IInkAnalyzer::GetAnalysisHintsByName method

Retrieves all of the analysis hint IContextNode objects that are attached to the IInkAnalyzer and that have the specified name.


HRESULT GetAnalysisHintsByName(
  [in]  BSTR          hintName,
  [out] IContextNodes **ppAnalysisHints


hintName [in]

The hint name for which to search.

ppAnalysisHints [out]

The analysis hint IContextNode objects in the IInkAnalyzer that have the specified name.

Return value

For a description of the return values, see Classes and Interfaces - Ink Analysis the return values.



To avoid a memory leak, call IUnknown::Release on ppAnalysisHints when you no longer need to use the object.

This method returns an empty collection if no such analysis hint nodes are attached to the IInkAnalyzer.

An analysis hint node is an IContextNode with a context node type of AnalysisHint (see IContextNode::GetType and Context Node Types).

To add context information to the hint, use IContextNode::AddPropertyData with the pPropertyDataId parameter set to one of the globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) in the Analysis Hint Properties constants.

To find which property values are set on a context node, use IContextNode::GetPropertyDataIds. To find the value of a property, use IContextNode::GetPropertyData.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
None supported
IACom.h (also requires IACom_i.c)

See also



IInkAnalyzer::CreateAnalysisHint Method

IInkAnalyzer::DeleteAnalysisHint Method

IInkAnalyzer::GetAnalysisHints Method

Ink Analysis Reference