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The following table summarizes the OLE DB 2.5 properties in the provider-specific DBPROPSET_MSDAIPP_INIT property set that are supported by the current version of the Microsoft® OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing.

OLE DB Property ID Description
DBPROP_INIT_PROTOCOLPROVIDER This property indicates which protocol the OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing should use to access this data source residing on the HTTP server. Legal values for this property are as follows:

GUID_WEC_PROVIDER—Use the FrontPage Web Extender Client (WEC) protocol during the bind to this URL.

GUID_DAV_PROVIDER—Use the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) protocol extensions during the bind to this URL.

If a client does not explicitly indicate to the OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing which protocol to use for accessing data for this URL (setting this property to an empty string for example), the OLE DB Provider will attempt to determine the protocol provider automatically.

Other values will result in an E_INVALIDARG error.

If the OLE DB Provider cannot connect to the specified resource using the requested protocol, then the bind will fail with an IPP_E_SERVER_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED error. The OLE DB Provider will not fallback to the automatic selection mechanism.

This VT_BSTR type property default value is an empty string indicating that the protocol provider should be determined automatically.