About the OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing Guide

Note: The OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing is available for use in the operating systems specified in "Platforms Supported by the OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing" in this documentation. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions.

The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing Guide provides information required to develop applications to access documents that reside on HTTP servers supporting the FrontPage Web Extender Client (WEC) or Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) protocol extensions.

Using this guide applications can be developed using several different development tools and application programming interfaces including:

  • C or C++ applications that use OLE DB to access internet documents stored on Web servers supporting the WEC or WebDAV protocol extensions.
  • Microsoft® Visual Basic® applications that use ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) to access internet documents stored on Web servers supporting the WEC or WebDAV protocol extensions.

To use this guide effectively, you should be familiar with:

  • HTTP concepts
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0
  • One of the following operating environments:
    • Microsoft® Windows NT® 4.0
    • Microsoft® Windows 2000®
    • Microsoft® Windows® 95
    • Microsoft® Windows® 98

Depending on the application programming interface and development tools used, you should be familiar with:

  • Microsoft OLE DB 2.5
  • Microsoft ADO 2.5

This guide covers the following topics about the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing: