HttpRedirectSection Class

Configures HTTP redirection.


class HttpRedirectSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection  


The following table lists the methods exposed by the HttpRedirectSection class.

Name Description
Add (Inherited from ConfigurationSectionWithCollection.)
Clear (Inherited from ConfigurationSectionWithCollection.)
Get (Inherited from ConfigurationSectionWithCollection.)
GetAllowDefinition (Inherited from ConfigurationSection.)
GetAllowLocation (Inherited from ConfigurationSection.)
Remove (Inherited from ConfigurationSectionWithCollection.)
RevertToParent (Inherited from ConfigurationSection.)
SetAllowDefinition (Inherited from ConfigurationSection.)
SetAllowLocation (Inherited from ConfigurationSection.)


The following table lists the properties exposed by the HttpRedirectSection class.

Name Description
ChildOnly A read/write boolean value. true if the redirection destination is in a subdirectory of the original URL; otherwise, false. The default is false. This setting alerts IIS that the redirection should occur only once and prevents endless loops in the substitution engine.
Destination A required, nonempty read/write string value that contains the file name, directory path, or URL to which the user is redirected. The string can include redirect variables to pass portions of the original URL with the destination URL. You can use more than one variable in the string.
Enabled A read/write boolean value. true if HTTP redirection is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is false.
ExactDestination A read/write boolean value. true if the URL should be considered an absolute location; otherwise, false. A setting of true prevents the substitution engine from appending the original requested resource to the redirection URL.
HttpRedirect An array of WildcardRedirectElement values that, by using matching criteria, redirect file name, directory path, or URL requests to specified destinations.
HttpResponseStatus A read/write sint32 enumeration that contains the HTTP response status. The possible values are listed later in the Remarks section.
Location (Inherited from ConfigurationSection.) A key property.
Path (Inherited from ConfigurationSection.) A key property.
SectionInformation (Inherited from ConfigurationSection.)


This class contains no subclasses.


The following table lists the possible values for the HttpResponseStatus property. The default is 302 (Found).

Value Keyword Description
301 Permanent IIS tells the Web client that the location for the requested resource has permanently changed. The new location is specified in the Location HTTP header. This setting allows Web clients that keep record of HTTP URL links to update the stored URL with the new location.
302 Found IIS tells the Web client to issue a new request to the location specified in the Location HTTP header.
307 Temporary IIS tells the Web browser to reissue a POST request with original data to a new location. Normally, when a Web browser issues a POST request and receives a 302 redirect message from the Web server, the browser issues a GET request for the new location. This causes the data in the original POST request to be lost. If the browser receives a 307 redirect, it can reissue the POST with the original data intact.


The first example displays all of the properties of the HttpRedirectSection class, including the embedded SectionInformation and HttpRedirect properties.

The second example creates four wildcard redirect elements and attempts to add them to the default Web site's <httpRedirect> section. If duplicate entries exist, the code reports so; otherwise, it adds the new entries. Finally, it displays the new count of all entries and the wildcard and destination for each.

' 1) First example: Display the httpRedirect properties  
' for the default Web site.  
' Connect to the WMI WebAdministration namespace.  
Set oWebAdmin = _  
' Get the httpRedirect section for the default Web site.  
Set oSite = oWebAdmin.Get("Site.Name='Default Web Site'")  
oSite.GetSection "HttpRedirectSection", oSection  
' Display the nonembedded properties.  
WScript.Echo "=============================="  
WScript.Echo "HttpRedirectSection Properties"  
WScript.Echo "=============================="  
For Each vProp In oSection.Properties_  
    If (vProp.Name <> "HttpRedirect") And _  
    (vProp.Name <> "SectionInformation") Then  
        WScript.Echo vProp.Name & ": " & vProp.Value  
    End If  
' Display the contents of the SectionInformation property.  
WScript.Echo "--------------------------------------"  
WScript.Echo "HttpRedirectSection.SectionInformation"  
WScript.Echo "--------------------------------------"  
For Each vProp In oSection.SectionInformation.Properties_  
    WScript.Echo vProp.Name & ": " & vProp.Value  
' Display the WildcardRedirectElement instances in the  
' HttpRedirect array property.  
WScript.Echo "--------------------------------"  
WScript.Echo "HttpRedirectSection.HttpRedirect"  
WScript.Echo "--------------------------------"  
For Each oWildcardRedirectElement In oSection.HttpRedirect  
    For Each vProp In oWildcardRedirectElement.Properties_  
        WScript.Echo vProp.Name & ": " & vProp.Value  
' 2) Second example: Add four WildcardRedirectElement  
' instances to the default Web site and display the result.  
' Connect to the WMI WebAdministration namespace.  
Set oWebAdmin = _  
' Get the httpRedirect section for the default Web site.  
Set oSite = oWebAdmin.Get("Site.Name='Default Web Site'")  
oSite.GetSection "HttpRedirectSection", oSection  
' Set up a loop to add four new redirects.  
For Counter = 1 To 4  
    ' Create a new instance of WildcardRedirectElement.  
    ' Note that you do not need to use SpawnInstance_.  
    Set oWildcardRedirect = _  
    ' Specify the page to be redirected.  
    oWildcardRedirect.Wildcard = _  
        "" & Counter & ".htm"  
    ' Specify the destination for the redirected page.  
    oWildcardRedirect.Destination = _  
        "" & Counter & ".htm"  
    ' Prepare to catch duplicate entries.  
    On Error Resume Next  
    ' Attempt to add the wildcard entry to the collection.   
    ' (You do not need to use Put_ to save the change.)  
    oSection.Add "HttpRedirect", oWildcardRedirect  
    ' Catch duplicate entries.  
    If Err.Number = -2147024713 Then  
        WScript.Echo "Redirect entry for """ & _  
        oWildcardRedirect.Wildcard & """ already exists."  
    End If  
' Update the contents of the oSection variable.  
' Display a header and the new number of entries.  
WScript.Echo "--------------------------------"  
WScript.Echo "HttpRedirectSection.HttpRedirect"  
WScript.Echo "--------------------------------"  
WScript.Echo "The number of redirect entries is now " & _  
    UBound(oSection.HttpRedirect) + 1 & "."  
' Display the new set of wildcard redirect elements.  
For Each oWildcardRedirectElement In oSection.HttpRedirect  
    WScript.Echo "Wildcard: " & _  
        oWildcardRedirectElement.Wildcard & vbTab & _  
        "Destination: " & _  

Inheritance Hierarchy





Type Description
Client - IIS 7.0 on Windows Vista
- IIS 7.5 on Windows 7
- IIS 8.0 on Windows 8
- IIS 10.0 on Windows 10
Server - IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008
- IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2
- IIS 8.0 on Windows Server 2012
- IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2
- IIS 10.0 on Windows Server 2016
Product - IIS 7.0, IIS 7.5, IIS 8.0, IIS 8.5, IIS 10.0
MOF file WebAdministration.mof

See Also

ConfigurationSectionWithCollection Class
SectionInformation Class
WildcardRedirectElement Class