Deleting Local Groups

This topic shows how to delete a local group from a member server or computer running on Windows 2000 Professional.

To delete a local group

  1. Bind to the computer using the following rules:

    1. Use an account with sufficient rights to access that computer.
    2. Use the following binding string format using the WinNT provider, computer name, and an extra parameter to instruct ADSI that it is binding to a computer: "WinNT://<computer name>,<computer>". The "<computer name>" parameter is the name of the computer group to access. This parameter instruct ADSI that it is binding to a computer and allows the WinNT provider's parser to skip some ambiguity-resolution queries to determine what type of object you are binding to.
    3. Bind to the IADsContainer interface.
  2. Specify "group" as the class using IADsContainer.Deleteto delete the group.

    You do not need to call IADs.SetInfo to commit the change to the container. The IADsContainer.Delete call commits the deletion of the group directly to the directory.