IAddrBook::NewEntry Method

Displays a blank dialog box that enables the user to create a new entry.


    ULONG_PTR ulUIParam,
    ULONG ulFlags,
    ULONG cbEIDContainer,
    ENTRYID *lpEIDContainer,
    ULONG cbEIDNewEntryTpl,
    ENTRYID *lpEIDNewEntryTpl,
    ULONG *lpcbEIDNewEntry,
    ENTRYID **lppEIDNewEntry


  • ulUIParam
    ULONG_PTR Value of type ULONG_PTR that specifies the parent window handle for dialog boxes.
  • ulFlags
    ULONG Reserved. Must be set to 0.
  • cbEIDContainer
    ULONG Value of type ULONG that specifies the size of lpEIDContainer.
  • lpEIDContainer
    ENTRYID Pointer to a variable of type ENTRYID that specifies the entry identifier of the container where the new address is to be created. If the value of this parameter is NULL, the method creates the entry in the root container. Note that this differs from the MAPI implementation of NewEntry.
  • cbEIDNewEntryTpl
    ULONG Value of type ULONG that specifies the template entry identifier used to determine the object being created.
  • lpEIDNewEntryTpl
    ENTRYID Pointer to a variable of type ENTRYID that specifies the template entry identifier used to determine the object being created.
  • lpcbEIDNewEntry
    ULONG Pointer to a variable of type ULONG that specifies the returned size of the contents of lppEIDNewEntry.
  • lppEIDNewEntry
    ENTRYID Address of a pointer to a variable of type ENTRYID that receives the returned entry identifier of the new entry.

Return Value


If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


To create a new entry in the Windows Address Book (WAB) without showing any dialog boxes, use CreateEntry. The cbEIDNewEntryTpl and the lpEIDNewEntryTpl are the template entry identifiers that define the kind of object being created. To obtain the template entry identifiers, open any WAB container and request the PR_DEF_CREATE_MAILUSER or PR_DEF_CREATE_DL property from the container by calling IMAPIProp::GetProps. The resulting binary properties are the corresponding template identifiers.


Minimum supported client

Windows 2000 Professional

Minimum supported server

Windows 2000 Server


Internet Explorer 4.0





See Also




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Build date: 6/30/2010