ModulePageInfo.Equals(Object) Method


Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current ModulePageInfo.

 override bool Equals(System::Object ^ obj);
public override bool Equals (object obj);
override this.Equals : obj -> bool
Public Overrides Function Equals (obj As Object) As Boolean



The object to compare with the current ModulePageInfo object.


true if the objects are both ModulePageInfo objects and have some fields with equal values; otherwise, false.


    ModulePageInfo getModPage(string title, string sDesc, Image imgSm,
        Image ImLg, string longDes) 
        return new ModulePageInfo(
        this, typeof(DemoPage), title, sDesc, imgSm, ImLg, longDes);

    ModulePageInfo getModPage(string title) 
        return new ModulePageInfo(this, typeof(DemoPage), title);

    bool imageMatch(object o1, object o2) 
        Image i1 = (Image)o1;
        Image i2 = (Image)o2;

        if (i1 == null && i2 != null ||
            i1 != null && i2 == null
            return false;

        if (i1 != null && i2 != null) 
            bool b = true;
            b = i1.GetHashCode() == i1.GetHashCode();
            if (b == false)
                return b;

        // Both images NULL -> equality.
        return true;

    bool myCompare(ModulePageInfo m1, ModulePageInfo m2) 
        bool b = m1.Equals(m2);
        if (b == false)
            return b;

        b = m1.Description == m2.Description;
        if (b == false)
            return b;

        b = imageMatch(m1.SmallImage, m2.SmallImage);
        if (b == false)
            return b;

        b = imageMatch(m1.LargeImage, m2.LargeImage);
        if (b == false)
            return b;

        b = m1.LongDescription == m2.LongDescription;
        if (b == false)
            return b;

        return b;

    void testModPageEq() 
        string strFirst = "First Title";

        ModulePageInfo modPgInfo1 = getModPage(strFirst);
        ModulePageInfo modPgInfo2 = getModPage(strFirst, "Descrip", 
            rLoadImg.loadImgs("rLarge.bmp"), "Long Descript");

        // The two show equality here.
        bool bEQ = modPgInfo1.Equals(modPgInfo2);
        Trace.WriteLine("modPgInfo1.Equals(modPgInfo2) : " 
            + bEQ.ToString());

        // A better compare shows they differ.
        bEQ = myCompare(modPgInfo1, modPgInfo2);
        Trace.WriteLine("myCompare(Mod1, Mod2) : " + bEQ.ToString());



For the objects to be equal, the specified object must be assignable to a ModulePageInfo object and must have the same PageType and Title.

Applies to