FrameworkElement Hierarchy

The following table lists the classes derived from System.Windows.FrameworkElement .

Derived Classes

Class Description
Microsoft.Windows.Themes.BulletChrome Creates the theme-specific look for Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.0 Bullet elements. A Bullet defines the appearance of CheckBox and RadioButton elements.
Microsoft.Windows.Themes.ScrollChrome Creates the theme-specific look for Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.0 ScrollBar elements.
System.Windows.Controls.AccessText Specifies with an underscore the character that is used as the access key.
System.Windows.Controls.AdornedElementPlaceholder Represents the element used in a ControlTemplate to specify where an adorned control is placed relative to other elements in the ControlTemplate.
System.Windows.Controls.ContentPresenter Displays the content of a ContentControl.
System.Windows.Controls.Control Represents the base class for all user-interactive elements
System.Windows.Controls.Decorator Provides a base class for elements that apply effects onto or around a single child element, such as Border or Viewbox.
System.Windows.Controls.Image Represents a control that displays an image.
System.Windows.Controls.InkCanvas Defines an area that receives and displays ink strokes.
System.Windows.Controls.ItemsPresenter Used within the template of an item control to specify the place in the control’s visual tree where the ItemsPanel defined by the ItemsControl is to be added.
System.Windows.Controls.MediaElement Represents a control that contains audio and/or video.
System.Windows.Controls.Page Page encapsulates a page of content that can be navigated to and hosted by Windows Internet Explorer, NavigationWindow, and Frame.
System.Windows.Controls.Panel Provides a base class for all Panel elements. Use Panel elements to position and arrange child objects in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications.
System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DocumentPageView Represents a viewport for a paginated DocumentPage.
System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.GridViewRowPresenterBase Represents the base class for classes that define the layout for a row of data where different data items are displayed in different columns.
System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup Represents a control that creates a separate pop-up window that has content.
System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.TickBar Represents a control that draws a set of tick marks for a Slider control.
System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Track Represents a control primitive that handles the positioning and sizing of a Thumb control and two RepeatButton controls that are used to set a Value.
System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock Provides a lightweight control for displaying small amounts of flow content.
System.Windows.Controls.ToolBarTray Layout container that handles the layout of a ToolBar.
System.Windows.Controls.Viewport3D Provides a rendering surface for 3-D visual content.
System.Windows.Documents.Adorner Abstract class that represents a FrameworkElement that decorates a UIElement.
System.Windows.Documents.AdornerLayer Represents a surface for rendering adorners.
System.Windows.Documents.DocumentReference Provides access to reference a FixedDocument. This class cannot be inherited.
System.Windows.Documents.FixedPage Provides the content for a high fidelity, fixed-format page.
System.Windows.Documents.Glyphs Represents the set of glyphs that are used for rendering fixed text. This class cannot be inherited.
System.Windows.Documents.PageContent Provides information about the FixedPage elements within a FixedDocument.
System.Windows.Interop.HwndHost Hosts a Win32 window as an element within Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) content.
System.Windows.Shapes.Shape Provides a base class for shape elements, such as Ellipse, Polygon, and Rectangle. This class is abstract.

See Also


FrameworkElement Class
FrameworkElement Members
System.Windows Namespace

Other Resources

Base Elements Overview
WPF Architecture
Dependency Properties Overview
Get Started Using Windows Presentation Foundation