FrameworkContentElement Hierarchy

The following table lists the classes derived from System.Windows.FrameworkContentElement .

Derived Classes

Class Description
System.Windows.Controls.DefinitionBase Defines the functionality required to support a shared-size group that is used by the ColumnDefinitionCollection and RowDefinitionCollection classes. This is an abstract class.
System.Windows.Documents.FixedDocument Hosts a portable, high fidelity, fixed-format document with read access for user text selection, keyboard navigation, and search.
System.Windows.Documents.FixedDocumentSequence Hosts one or more DocumentReference elements that define a sequence of fixed documents.
System.Windows.Documents.FlowDocument Hosts and formats flow content with advanced document features, such as pagination and columns.
System.Windows.Documents.TableColumn A flow content element that defines a column within a Table.
System.Windows.Documents.TextElement An abstract class used as the base class for the abstract Block and Inline classes.

See Also


FrameworkContentElement Class
FrameworkContentElement Members
System.Windows Namespace

Other Resources

Base Elements Overview
Documents in Windows Presentation Foundation
WPF Architecture