SecurityBindingElement.GetProperty<T>(BindingContext) Method


Gets a specified object using the specified BindingContext.

generic <typename T>
 where T : class override T GetProperty(System::ServiceModel::Channels::BindingContext ^ context);
public override T GetProperty<T> (System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingContext context) where T : class;
override this.GetProperty : System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingContext -> 'T (requires 'T : null)
Public Overrides Function GetProperty(Of T As Class) (context As BindingContext) As T

Type Parameters


The property to get.




The specified object from the BindingContext or null if the object is not found.


This method gets the specified object from the base class, or from one of that class's ancestors. The object returned is usually a collection of properties, for example, an object that implements ISecurityCapabilities.

If the SecurityBindingElement does not recognize the type of property requested, it delegates the call to the binding element stack below it, passing the binding context parameter. The types of properties that the SecurityBindingElement can provide are ISecurityCapabilities and IdentityVerifier.

Applies to