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CMM Transform Creation Flags

CMMs use transform creation flags as hints for how to create a color transform. It is up to the CMM to determine how best to use these flags.

All of the functions that use these flags pass or receive flag values through a parameter called dwFlags. The high-order WORD of dwFlags should be set to a value from the following table.




Use this transform for gamut checking.


Do not preserve the white point. If the output gamut does not support a given color, use the nearest supported color. See Rendering Intents.


Look up color only. Do not interpolate the color.


Inserts the appropriate black generation GMMP as the last GMMP in the transform sequence


Use the WCS code path even for ICC transforms.

The low-order WORD can have one of the following constant values.

Constant Description
PROOF_MODE Transform will be used to preview the image. Low image quality.
NORMAL_MODE Transform will be used for normal image display. Average image quality.
BEST_MODE Transform will be used for the display of the highest-quality image possible on the target device.

Moving from PROOF_MODE to BEST_MODE, output quality generally improves and transform speed declines.

See Also

Basic Color Management Concepts, ICM Constants