Implement the Custom ISink Interface Methods

Implement the Custom ISink Interface Methods

To make registering the event sink easy for administrators, we add two methods to the default ISink interface. These methods are called ISink::RegisterSink and ISink::UnRegisterSink. See the example file Sink.cpp for the implementations. Here are the IDL definitions:

interface ISink : IDispatch
 [id(1), HRESULT RegisterSink(
   [in] long lInstance,
   [in] BSTR DisplayName,
   [in] BSTR BindingGUID,
   [in] BSTR ResponseText,
   [in] VARIANT_BOOL fEnabled,
   [out,retval] BSTR* OutBindingGUID
 [id(2), HRESULT UnRegisterSink(
   [in] long lInstance,
   [in] BSTR BindingGUID