Using the SMTP Message Envelope Fields

Using the SMTP Message Envelope Fields

The fields passed to an event sink in the IMessage.EnvelopeFields collection contain transport envelope values. These fields are present for a message only as it is being delivered (transported) to its final location. Each field name resides in the namespace. The following table describes these fields.

The Namespace

Field name Variant subtype* Description





The time at which the message arrived to the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service. The time is returned in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).





The Internet protocol (IP) address of the host from which the message was received. This field is empty if the message was submitted through the local SMTP pickup directory.



long (VT_I4)

The message transport status. This field can be used to alter the status of the message from within an event sink to either abort the message delivery, or flag the message as malformed and send the message to the bad mail location. The value for this field should be one of the CdoMessageStat enumerated values.





If the message arrived in the SMTP service pickup directory rather than over the network through SMTP, this field returns the file name of the message as it appeared when it arrived in the pickup directory. It returns the empty string if the message arrived through SMTP over the network.




The e-mail addresses of the recipients. The addresses are returned as a single string. Each e-mail address is prefixed with SMTP: and ended with a semicolon; for example,;;. Each recipient in the list is either derived from the RCPT TO protocol commands that are received if the message was submitted over the network using SMTP, or from the set of x-receiver custom headers if the message was submitted through the local SMTP service pickup directory.





The e-mail address of the sender. This address corresponds to the value of the received MAIL FROM protocol command if the message was submitted over the network using SMTP, or to the x-sender custom header if the message was submitted through the local SMTP pickup directory.

*The types listed are VARIANT subtypes. Each Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) Field object stores the value for the field as a VARIANT value.

The messagestatus field can be altered by your sink and used either to abort the delivery or relay of the message. Specifically, you can:

  • Abort the message's delivery or relay (cdoStatAbortDelivery = 2).
  • Send it to the bad mail directory (cdoStatBadMail=3).
  • Let it be delivered or relayed (cdoStatSuccess=0).

You can indicate one of the proceeding actions to the SMTP service by updating the messagestatus field in the collection. As shown earlier in this topic, the CdoMessageStat enumeration can be used to set these values.


If the messagestatus field is used to abort the message (cdoStatAbortDelivery ) or to send the message to the bad-mail location (cdoStatBadMail), the effect is not immediate unless you set cdoSkipRemainingSinks (0) as the value for the second argument to the ISMTPOnArrival.OnArrival method. (This argument is passed by reference.) This value indicates to the dispatcher thread that sink processing is complete and all remaining sinks are to be skipped. At this point, the SMTP service examines the messagestatus envelope field for the message and takes the indicated action.

The recipientlist field contains the e-mail address of each intended recipient. If the message was submitted over the network through the SMTP protocol, each recipient corresponds to a RCPT TO: protocol command. If the message was submitted through the local SMTP service pickup directory, each recipient corresponds to an x-receiver header at the top of the message file. You can alter this list when executing; for example, you can expand a custom distribution list by substituting the alias address with each member of the list.

The senderemailaddress field contains the address of the message's sender. If the message was submitted over the network using the SMTP, this address corresponds to the transmitted MAIL FROM SMTP command. If the message was submitted using the SMTP service pickup directory, this address corresponds to the x-senderheader at the top of the message file.


The recipientlist and senderemailaddress envelope fields and the various message header fields such as (urn:schemas:mailheader:) To, From, Cc, and Bcc are different attributes of the message. The SMTP does not use the mail header fields to route the message; it routes the message based upon the RCPT TO and MAIL FROM protocol commands if a message is submitted using the SMTP, or the x-receiver and x-sender headers if a message is submitted to the local SMTP pickup directory. The envelope fields are not transmitted or stored with the message and exist only for the message's lifetime in SMTP transport.

' Reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library
' Reference to Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000 Library

Implements CDO.ISMTPOnArrival
Implements IEventIsCacheable

Private Sub IEventIsCacheable_IsCacheable()
 ' just returns S_OK
End Sub

Private Sub ISMTPOnArrival_OnArrival(ByVal iMsg As CDO.Message, EventStatus As CDO.CdoEventStatus)
  Dim Flds as ADODB.Fields
  Dim RecipList as String
  Set Flds = iMsg.EnvelopeFields

  ' Read Recipient List
  RecipList = _

  ' Add Administrator to the list
  RecipList = RecipList & ";"

  ' Update the envelope field with the augmented list
  Flds("") = RecipList

  ' Add disclaimer to textbody
  ' (Should check for HTMLBody, but this is omitted for brevity)
  iMsg.TextBody = iMsg.TextBody & _
    vbCrLf & _
    "-- This message has been forwarded to the administrator" & _

  ' Commit the content changes to the transport ADO Stream object
  EventStatus = cdoRunNextSink
End Sub

Const cdoRunNextSink = 0
Const cdoSkipRemainingSinks = 1

Sub IEventIsCacheable_IsCacheable()
 ' just returns S_OK
End Sub

Sub ISMTPOnArrival_OnArrival(iMsg, EventStatus)
  Dim Flds
  Dim RecipList
  Set Flds = iMsg.EnvelopeFields
  ' Read Recipient List
  RecipList = _

  ' Add Administrator to the list
  RecipList = RecipList & ";"

  ' Update the envelope field with the augmented list
  Flds("") = RecipList

  ' Add disclaimer to textbody
  ' (Should check for HTMLBody, but this is omitted for brevity)
  iMsg.TextBody = iMsg.TextBody & _
    vbCrLf & _
    "-- This message has been forwarded to the administrator" & _

  ' Commit the content changes to the transport ADO Stream object
  EventStatus = cdoRunNextSink
End Sub

See Also


CdoMessageStat Enum Namespace