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Internet Samples

MFC has classes that wrap the Microsoft Internet Server API (ISAPI) and the Windows Internet (WinInet) API. The following samples illustrate ways to use these classes.

  • BINDSCRB illustrates the use of new Component Object Model (COM) interfaces to components currently supported by the Microsoft Office suite of products.
  • COUNTER shows how to use an ISAPI DLL to send image data (rather than HTML data) back to a Web browser.
  • DHtmlExplore shows how to handle DHtml events and use DHtml dynamic data exchange (DDX).
  • FTPTREE is a dialog-based application that displays the contents of an FTP site in a tree control.
  • HTTPSVR demonstrates the use of MFC and its Windows Sockets (WinSock) classes in implementing a simple World Wide Web HTTP server.
  • HTMLEdit wraps the Internet Explorer MSHTML editing control.
  • MFCIE uses MFC's CHtmlView and CReBar classes to implement a subset of the functionality provided by Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  • MFCUCASE demonstrates the use of MFC support for Internet Server filter DLLs. The sample shows how to build a filter project whether or not it uses MFC.
  • Scheduler shows how to use Visual C++ libraries classes to create HTML-based dialog boxes.
  • StockTicker is an MFC and ATL application that retrieves stock quotes from companies' Web pages and displays them in an ATL control. The user can set the display's properties, including rate of data refresh.
  • TEAR is an MFC console application that uses the WININET.DLL to communicate with the Internet.
  • WWWQUOTE illustrates the development of an Internet Server Extension using MFC. The sample shows proper use of the parse map macros, the CHttpServer class, and thread-safe programming techniques.

See Also

MFC Samples | Categorical List of MFC Samples