SeriesCollection.Paste(XlRowCol, Object, Object, Object, Object) Method


Pastes data from the Clipboard into the specified series collection.

public object Paste (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlRowCol Rowcol = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlRowCol) -4105, object SeriesLabels, object CategoryLabels, object Replace, object NewSeries);
Public Function Paste (Optional Rowcol As XlRowCol = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlRowCol) -4105, Optional SeriesLabels As Object, Optional CategoryLabels As Object, Optional Replace As Object, Optional NewSeries As Object) As Object



Optional XlRowCol. Specifies whether the values corresponding to a particular data series are in rows or columns. Can be one of these XlRowCol constants:xlColumns defaultxlRows


Optional Object. True to use the contents of the cell in the first column of each row (or the first row of each column) as the name of the data series in that row (or column). False to use the contents of the cell in the first column of each row (or the first row of each column) as the first data point in the data series. The default value is False.


Optional Object. True to use the contents of the first row (or column) of the selection as the categories for the chart. False to use the contents of the first row (or column) as the first data series in the chart. The default value is False.


Optional Object. True to apply categories while replacing existing categories with information from the copied range. False to insert new categories without replacing any old ones. The default value is True.


Optional Object. True to paste the data as a new series. False to paste the data as new points in an existing series. The default value is True.


Applies to