If Expressions (Crystal Syntax)

The If expression is one of the most useful control structures. It allows you to evaluate an expression if a condition is true and evaluate a different expression otherwise.


When formatting with conditional formulas, always include the Else keyword; otherwise, values that don't meet the If condition may not retain their original format. To prevent this, use the DefaultAttribute function (If...Else DefaultAttribute).


A company plans to pay a bonus of 4 percent to its employees except for those who work in Sales who will receive 6 percent. The following formula using an If expression would accomplish this:

If {Employee.Dept} = "Sales" Then
   {Employee.Salary} * 0.06
   {Employee.Salary} * 0.04

In this example, if the condition {Employee.Dept} = "Sales" evaluates as true, then the

{Employee.Salary} * 0.06

expression is processed. Otherwise the expression following the Else, namely the

{Employee.Salary} * 0.04

is processed.

Suppose another company wants to give employees a 4% bonus, but with a minimum bonus of $1,000. Notice that the Else clause is not included; it is optional, and not needed in this case.

Local CurrencyVar bonus := {Employee.Salary} * 0.04;
If bonus < 1000 Then
   bonus := 1000;
//The final expression is just the variable 'bonus'.
//This returns the value of the variable and is the result of the formula.

Another way of accomplishing example 2 is to use an Else clause:

Local CurrencyVar bonus := {Employee.Salary} * 0.04;
If bonus < 1000 Then

Now suppose that the previous company also wants a maximum bonus of $5,000. You now need to use an Else If clause. The following example has only one Else If clause, but you can add as many as you need.


There is a maximum of one Else clause per If expression.

The Else clause is executed if none of the If or Else If conditions are true.

Local CurrencyVar bonus := {Employee.Salary} * 0.04;
If bonus < 1000 Then
Else If bonus > 5000 Then


Suppose that a company wants to compute an estimate of the amount of tax an employee needs to pay and write a suitable message. Income below $8,000 is not taxed, income between $8,000 to $20,000 is taxed at 20%, income between $20,000 to $35,000 is taxed at 29%, and income above $35,000 is taxed at 40%.

Local CurrencyVar tax := 0;
Local CurrencyVar income := {Employee.Salary};
Local StringVar message := "";
If income < 8000 Then
   message := "no";
   tax := 0
Else If income >= 8000 And income < 20000 Then
   message := "lowest";
   tax := (income - 8000)*0.20
Else If income >= 20000 And income < 35000 Then
   message := "middle";
   tax := (20000 - 8000)*0.20 + (income - 20000)*0.29
   message := "highest";
   tax := (20000 - 8000)*0.20 + (35000 - 20000)*0.29 +
          (income - 35000)*0.40
//Use 2 decimal places and the comma as a thousands separator.
Local StringVar taxStr := CStr (tax, 2, ",");
"You are in the " & message & " tax bracket. " &
"Your estimated tax is " & taxStr & "."


The use of variables is to simplify the logic of the computation. Also, there are two expressions that are executed when one of the conditions are met; one assigns the tax variable, and the other assigns the message variable. It is often useful to have multiple expressions executed as a result of a condition.

In this section: