SQL Server Agent Properties (Alert System Page)

Use this page to view and modify the settings for messages sent by Microsoft SQL Server Agent alerts.


  • Mail session
    The options in this section configure SQL Server Agent Mail.

  • Enable mail profile
    Enables SQL Server Agent Mail. By default, SQL Server Agent Mail is not enabled.

  • Mail System
    Sets the mail system for SQL Server Agent to use. Database Mail is recommended.


    SQL Mail will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use the feature. To send mail from Microsoft SQL Server 2005, use Database Mail.


After changing the e-mail system, you must restart the SQL Server Agent service for the change to take effect.

  • Mail Profile
    Sets the profile for SQL Server Agent to use. If Database Mail is the mail system, you may also select <new Database Mail profile...> to create a new profile.

  • Test
    Sends a test message using the specified mail system and mail profile. This feature is available when SQL Mail is the mail system. For more information about how to test Database Mail, see Troubleshooting Database Mail: Sending Test E-Mail.

  • Pager e-mails
    The options in this section allow you to configure e-mail messages sent to pager addresses to work with your paging system.

  • Address formatting for pager e-mails
    This section allows you to specify the format of the addresses and the subject line included in pager e-mails.

  • To line
    Specifies the options for the To line of the message

  • Prefix
    Type any fixed text that your system requires at the beginning of the To line of messages sent to a pager.

  • Pager
    Includes the e-mail address for the message between the prefix and the suffix.

  • Suffix
    Type any fixed text that your paging system requires at the end of the To line of messages sent to a pager.

  • Cc line
    Specifies options for the Cc line of the message.

  • Prefix
    Type any fixed text that your system requires at the beginning of the Cc line of messages sent to a pager.

  • Pager
    Includes the e-mail address for the message between the prefix and the suffix.

  • Suffix
    Type any fixed text that your paging system requires at the end of the Cc line of messages sent to a pager.

  • Subject
    Specifies the options for the subject of the message.

  • Prefix
    Type any fixed text that your paging system requires at the beginning of the Subject line of messages sent to a pager.

  • Suffix
    Type any fixed text that your paging system requires at the end of the Subject line of messages sent to a pager.

  • Include body of e-mail in notification message
    Includes the body of the e-mail message in the message sent to the pager.

  • Fail-safe operator
    This section allows you to specify the options for the fail-safe operator.

  • Enable fail-safe operator
    Specifies a fail safe operator.

  • Operator
    Sets the name of the operator to receive fail-safe notifications.

  • Notify using
    Sets the method to use for notifying the fail-safe operator.

  • Token Replacement
    This section allows you to enable job step tokens that can be used in jobs run by SQL Server Agent alerts. For more information about job step tokens, see Using Tokens in Job Steps.

    Security noteSecurity Note

    Any Windows user with write permissions on the Windows Event Log may be able to access job steps that are activated by SQL Server Agent alerts. To avoid this security risk, SQL Server Agent tokens that can be used in jobs activated by alerts are disabled by default. These tokens are: $(A-DBN), $(A-SVR), $(A-ERR), $(A-SEV), and $(A-MSG).

    If you need to use these tokens, ensure that only members of trusted Windows security groups, such as the Administrators group, have write permissions on the Event Log of the computer where SQL Server resides before enabling them.

  • Replace tokens for all job responses to alerts
    Select this check box to enable token replacement for jobs that are activated by SQL Server alerts.