Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service.Description.Samples Namespace



Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass HelpPageSampleGenerator

This class will generate the samples for the help page.

System_CAPS_pubclass HelpPageSampleKey

This is used to identify the place where the sample should be applied.

System_CAPS_pubclass ImageSample

This represents an image sample on the help page.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidSample

This represents an invalid sample on the help page.

System_CAPS_pubclass ObjectGenerator

This class will create an object of a given type and populate it with sample data.

System_CAPS_pubclass TextSample

This represents a preformatted text sample on the help page.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum SampleDirection

Indicates whether the sample is used for request or response

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