ModelProperty.ComputedValue Property

When overridden in a derived class, gets the currently computed value for this property.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.Model
Assembly:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction (in Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction.dll)


Public MustOverride Property ComputedValue As Object
Dim instance As ModelProperty 
Dim value As Object 

value = instance.ComputedValue

instance.ComputedValue = value
public abstract Object ComputedValue { get; set; }
virtual property Object^ ComputedValue {
    Object^ get () abstract;
    void set (Object^ value) abstract;
public abstract function get ComputedValue () : Object 
public abstract function set ComputedValue (value : Object)

Property Value

Type: System.Object
An object representing the computed value for this property.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


ModelProperty Class

ModelProperty Members

Microsoft.Windows.Design.Model Namespace

Other Resources

WPF Designer Extensibility Architecture