SoapContext Properties

Public Properties

  Name Description
public property Actor Gets the SOAP actor associated with the SOAP message.
public property Addressing Represents the WS-Addressing SOAP headers for the SoapContext .
public property Attachments Gets a collection of DIME attachments associated with the SOAP message.
public property Channel Gets or sets the channel that was used to receive the context.
public property CompatibilityMode Gets or sets the wire format for the current SOAP message.
public property ContentType Gets the HTTP Content-Type of the SOAP request or SOAP response.
public property static Current Gets the SoapContext for the current request.
public property Envelope Gets the contents of the SOAP message.
public property ExtendedSecurity Gets the security headers that are not intended for the ultimate receiver of the SOAP message.
public property IdentityToken Gets or sets the identity security token for a SOAP message.
public property IsInbound Gets a value indicating whether the SOAP message is being received (as opposed to being sent).
public property IsOneWay Gets or sets a value indicating whether the associated SOAP message is outgoing and a response is not expected.
public property IsRequest Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the SOAP message associated with this SOAP context is a SOAP request.
public property Item Gets or sets an object in the context property bag.
public property Processed Specifies whether or not the SoapContext has been processed by the filter.
public property Referrals Gets the referral-related information associated with the SOAP message.
public property Security Gets the security header associated with the SOAP message.

See Also


SoapContext Class
Microsoft.Web.Services2 Namespace