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DeploymentWellKnownTag Enum


Provides the list of known deployment tags.

This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum class DeploymentWellKnownTag
public enum DeploymentWellKnownTag
type DeploymentWellKnownTag = 
Public Enum DeploymentWellKnownTag


AppHostConfig 1

Represents the tag for applicationhost.config files.

AppPoolConfig 2

Represents the tag for application pool configuration.

Boolean 4

Represents the tag for Boolean values.

ComObject32 8

Represents the tag for 32-bit COM objects.

ComObject64 16

Represents the tag for 64-bit COM objects

DBAdminPassword 32

Represents the tag for the database administrator password.

DBAdminUserName 64

Represents the tag for the database administrator user name.

DBConnectionString 128

Represents the tag for the database connection string.

DBName 256

Represents the tag for the database name.

DBServer 512

Represents the tag for the database server name.

DBUserName 1024

Represents the tag for the database user name.

DBUserPassword 2048

Represents the tag for the database user password.

FlatFile 4096

Represents the tag for flat files.

Hidden 8192

Represents the tag for hidden objects.

IisApp 16384

Represents the tag for an IIS application.

MetaKey 32768

Represents the tag for a metabase key.

MySql 65536

Represents the tag for a MySql connection.

MySqlConnectionString 131072

Represents the tag for a MySql connection string.

New 262144

Represents the tag for a new object.

None 0

Represents tag that contains no information.

Password 16777216

Represents the tag for a password.

PhysicalPath 33554432

Represents the tag for a physical path.

RegKey 524288

Represents the tag for a registry key.

SetAcl 1048576

Represents the tag for defining Access Control List (ACL) settings.

Sql 2097152

Represents the tag for a SQL Server connection.

SqlConnectionString 8388608

Represents the tag for a SQL Server connection string.

SqLite 4194304

Represents the tag for a SqlLite connection.

Validate 134217728

Represents the tag for validation.

VistaDB 67108864

Represents the tag for a Vista database connection.


This enumeration contains values that represent the well-known tags that are used in deployments.

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