GraphSetter Properties

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

The GraphSetter type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Categories Returns all categories. Never returns null. (Inherited from GraphObject.)
Public property CategoryCount Returns the number of categories in the object. (Inherited from GraphObject.)
Public property DescriptiveCategoryLabel Creates a delimited list of all category labels for this graph object. (Inherited from GraphObject.)
Public property DocumentSchema Gets the document-local schema from the owner of this graph. (Inherited from GraphObject.)
Public property Expression The original expression compiled to generate the value.
Public property IsGroup Gets whether this object is IsGroup. It looks for the GraphProperties.StyleForGroup. (Inherited from GraphObject.)
Public property IsPseudo Gets whether this object is Pseudo. It looks for the GraphProperties.IsPseudo. (Inherited from GraphObject.)
Public property Item Property that gets or sets a property value. (Inherited from GraphObject.)
Public property Owner Gets the Graph object that this object belongs to. (Inherited from GraphObject.)
Public property Properties Property that returns an enumeration of all annotations. The order of the enumeration is random. (Inherited from GraphObject.)
Public property Property The UI property being set. Supported properties are "Background", "Stroke", "StrokeThickness", "StrokeDashArray", "Foreground", "Shape", "Icon", "HorizontalAlignment", "VerticalAlignment", "Margin", "Padding", "FontFamily", "FontStyle", "FontWeight".
Public property PropertyCount Property that returns a number of all annotations. (Inherited from GraphObject.)
Public property PropertyKeys Property that returns an enumeration of all annotation keys. The order of the enumeration is random. (Inherited from GraphObject.)
Public property PropertyValues Property that returns an enumeration of all annotation values. The order of the enumeration is random. (Inherited from GraphObject.)
Public property Style Get the style this setter belongs to.
Public property TypedValue A cached copy of the typed value converted from the string Value.
Public property Value A fixed value (already converted to the property type being set).
Public property Visibility Helper property to get/set visibility property of a GraphObject. (Inherited from GraphObject.)


See Also


GraphSetter Class

Microsoft.VisualStudio.GraphModel.Styles Namespace