DataRepeater Events


Namespace:   Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs (in Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs.dll)


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubevent AllowUserToAddItemsChanged

Occurs when the AllowUserToAddItems property changes.

System_CAPS_pubevent AllowUserToDeleteItemsChanged

Occurs when the AllowUserToDeleteItems property changes.

System_CAPS_pubevent BackColorChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent BackgroundImageChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent BackgroundImageLayoutChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent BindingContextChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent CausesValidationChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent ChangeUICues

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent Click

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent ClientSizeChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent ContextMenuChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent ContextMenuStripChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent ControlAdded

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent ControlRemoved

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent CurrentItemIndexChanged

Occurs when the CurrentItemIndex changes.

System_CAPS_pubevent CursorChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent DataError

Occurs when an external data-parsing or validation operation throws an exception, or when an attempt to commit data to a data source fails.

System_CAPS_pubevent DataMemberChanged

Occurs when the DataMember property changes.

System_CAPS_pubevent DataSourceChanged

Occurs when the DataSource property is changed.

System_CAPS_pubevent DeletingItems

Occurs when a DataRepeaterItem is being deleted.

System_CAPS_pubevent Disposed

(Inherited from Component.)

System_CAPS_pubevent DockChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent DoubleClick

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent DragDrop

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent DragEnter

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent DragLeave

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent DragOver

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent DrawItem

Occurs when a DataRepeaterItem must be drawn.

System_CAPS_pubevent EnabledChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent Enter

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent FontChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent ForeColorChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent GiveFeedback

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent GotFocus

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent HandleCreated

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent HandleDestroyed

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent HelpRequested

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent ImeModeChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent Invalidated

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent ItemCloned

Occurs after the DataRepeaterItem and its controls are cloned from the ItemTemplate.

System_CAPS_pubevent ItemCloning

Occurs before the DataRepeaterItem and its controls are cloned from the ItemTemplate.

System_CAPS_pubevent ItemHeaderVisibleChanged

Occurs when the ItemHeaderVisible property changes.

System_CAPS_pubevent ItemsAdded

Occurs when a new DataRepeaterItem is added to a DataRepeater control.

System_CAPS_pubevent ItemsRemoved

Occurs when a DataRepeaterItem is deleted from a DataRepeater control.

System_CAPS_pubevent ItemValueNeeded

Occurs when the VirtualMode property is set to True and a new value for a child control of a DataRepeaterItem is needed.

System_CAPS_pubevent ItemValuePushed

Occurs when the VirtualMode property is set to True and the value of a child control in the DataRepeaterItem changes.

System_CAPS_pubevent KeyDown

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent KeyPress

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent KeyUp

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent Layout

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent LayoutStyleChanged

Occurs when the LayoutStyle property value changes.

System_CAPS_pubevent Leave

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent LocationChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent LostFocus

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent MarginChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent MouseCaptureChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent MouseClick

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent MouseDoubleClick

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent MouseDown

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent MouseEnter

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent MouseHover

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent MouseLeave

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent MouseMove

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent MouseUp

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent MouseWheel

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent Move

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent NewItemNeeded

Occurs when the VirtualMode property is set to True and the user creates a new blank DataRepeaterItem.

System_CAPS_pubevent PaddingChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent Paint

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent ParentChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent PreviewKeyDown

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent QueryAccessibilityHelp

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent QueryContinueDrag

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent RegionChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent Resize

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent RightToLeftChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent Scroll

(Inherited from ScrollableControl.)

System_CAPS_pubevent SelectionColorChanged

Occurs when the SelectionColor property is changed.

System_CAPS_pubevent SizeChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent StyleChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent SystemColorsChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent TabIndexChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent TabStopChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent TextChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent UserAddedItems

Occurs when the user adds a new DataRepeaterItem by pressing the CTRL+N keyboard shortcut.

System_CAPS_pubevent UserDeletedItems

Occurs after the user deletes a DataRepeaterItem by pressing the DELETE key.

System_CAPS_pubevent UserDeletingItems

Occurs when the user deletes a DataRepeaterItem by pressing the DELETE key.

System_CAPS_pubevent Validated

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent Validating

(Inherited from Control.)

System_CAPS_pubevent VirtualModeChanged

Occurs when the VirtualMode property is changed.

System_CAPS_pubevent VisibleChanged

(Inherited from Control.)

See Also

DataRepeater Class
Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks Namespace

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