IUpdateSummary Members

Use this interface to get summary information about the number of clients reporting different states of installing updates. To get this interface, call one of the following methods: GetTotalSummary; Item.

The following tables list the members exposed by the IUpdateSummary type.

Public Properties

  Name Description
public property ComputerTargetGroupId Gets the GUID of the target group.
public property ComputerTargetId Gets the GUID string of the client computer.
public property DownloadedCount Gets the number of updates that have been downloaded but not installed.
public property FailedCount Gets the number of updates that failed to install.
public property InstalledCount Gets the number of updates that have been successfully installed.
public property InstalledPendingRebootCount Gets the number of updates that have been successfully installed and are pending a computer restart to finish the installation.
public property IsSummedAcrossAllUpdates Gets whether the summary counts are summed across all updates or represent a single update.
public property LastUpdated Gets the date when the summary information was last updated.
public property NotApplicableCount Gets the number of updates that are not applicable to a client computer.
public property NotInstalledCount Gets the number of updates that are applicable to the client computer but have not been downloaded or installed.
public property UnknownCount Gets the number of updates where the current state of the installation cannot be determined.
public property UpdateId Gets the GUID of the update.


Public Methods

  Name Description
public method GetHashCode The hash code for the IUpdateSummary interface


See Also


IUpdateSummary Interface
Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration Namespace