ITestManagementService Methods

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The ITestManagementService type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method FindTestResultByLink Finds and returns a test result and a test result attachment, if any, by using the provided uniform resource identifier (URI).
Public method FindTestRunByTmiRunId Finds and returns a test result by using the provided identifier for the Test Management Interface (TMI) run.
Public method GetTeamProject(Project) Returns a team project object that is based on the provided project.
Public method GetTeamProject(String) Returns the team project that has the provided project name.
Public method IsSupported Returns a value that indicates whether the current server supports test management services.
Public method QueryTestRuns Returns a list of test runs that is found by executing the provided query.


See Also


ITestManagementService Interface

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client Namespace