BuildServiceHostUtilities.ChangeEndpointAndUser Method

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Changes the endpoint—the incoming URI, such as http://machinename:9191—and the service account for the currently registered service host.

Namespace:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Config
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Config (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Config.dll)


<ObsoleteAttribute("This method has been deprecated. Please remove all references.",  _
    False)> _
Public Shared Sub ChangeEndpointAndUser ( _
    endpoint As String, _
    serverCertificate As X509Certificate2, _
    userName As String, _
    password As String _
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method has been deprecated. Please remove all references.", 
public static void ChangeEndpointAndUser(
    string endpoint,
    X509Certificate2 serverCertificate,
    string userName,
    string password
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"This method has been deprecated. Please remove all references.", 
static void ChangeEndpointAndUser(
    String^ endpoint, 
    X509Certificate2^ serverCertificate, 
    String^ userName, 
    String^ password
[<ObsoleteAttribute("This method has been deprecated. Please remove all references.", 
static member ChangeEndpointAndUser : 
        endpoint:string * 
        serverCertificate:X509Certificate2 * 
        userName:string * 
        password:string -> unit
public static function ChangeEndpointAndUser(
    endpoint : String, 
    serverCertificate : X509Certificate2, 
    userName : String, 
    password : String


  • endpoint
    Type: System.String

    The new endpoint for the currently registered service host.

  • userName
    Type: System.String

    The service account to use for the service host. If null, Network Service will be used.

  • password
    Type: System.String

    The password for the service account.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


BuildServiceHostUtilities Class

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Config Namespace