DbSyncProvider.UpdateScopeInfoCommand Property

Gets or sets an IDbCommand object that contains the query or stored procedure that updates scope metadata in the peer database.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Synchronization.Data
Assembly:  Microsoft.Synchronization.Data (in Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.dll)


Public Overridable Property UpdateScopeInfoCommand As IDbCommand
Dim instance As DbSyncProvider
Dim value As IDbCommand

value = instance.UpdateScopeInfoCommand

instance.UpdateScopeInfoCommand = value
public virtual IDbCommand UpdateScopeInfoCommand { get; set; }
virtual property IDbCommand^ UpdateScopeInfoCommand {
    IDbCommand^ get ();
    void set (IDbCommand^ value);
abstract UpdateScopeInfoCommand : IDbCommand with get, set
override UpdateScopeInfoCommand : IDbCommand with get, set
function get UpdateScopeInfoCommand () : IDbCommand
function set UpdateScopeInfoCommand (value : IDbCommand)

Property Value

Type: System.Data.IDbCommand
An IDbCommand object that contains a query or stored procedure.


This command updates information from the scope metadata table, such as the synchronization knowledge and cleanup knowledge that Sync Framework requires. For more information about how scope is used, see "Creating Tracking Tables to Store Metadata" in How to: Provision a Server Database for Collaborative Synchronization (Non-SQL Server)


The following code example specifies the command that updates metadata in the scope table in each peer database. To view this code in the context of a complete example, see How to: Provision a Server Database for Collaborative Synchronization (Non-SQL Server).

SqlCommand updReplicaInfoCmd = new SqlCommand();
updReplicaInfoCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
updReplicaInfoCmd.CommandText = "UPDATE  Sync.ScopeInfo SET " +
                                "scope_sync_knowledge = @" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeKnowledge + ", " +
                                "scope_id = @" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeId + ", " +
                                "scope_tombstone_cleanup_knowledge = @" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeCleanupKnowledge + " " +
                                "WHERE scope_name = @" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeName + " AND " +
                                " ( @" + DbSyncSession.SyncCheckConcurrency + " = 0 OR scope_timestamp = @" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeTimestamp + "); " +
                                "set @" + DbSyncSession.SyncRowCount + " = @@rowcount";
updReplicaInfoCmd.Parameters.Add("@" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeKnowledge, SqlDbType.VarBinary, 10000);
updReplicaInfoCmd.Parameters.Add("@" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeCleanupKnowledge, SqlDbType.VarBinary, 10000);
updReplicaInfoCmd.Parameters.Add("@" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeName, SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100);
updReplicaInfoCmd.Parameters.Add("@" + DbSyncSession.SyncCheckConcurrency, SqlDbType.Int);
updReplicaInfoCmd.Parameters.Add("@" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeId, SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
updReplicaInfoCmd.Parameters.Add("@" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeTimestamp, SqlDbType.BigInt);
updReplicaInfoCmd.Parameters.Add("@" + DbSyncSession.SyncRowCount, SqlDbType.Int).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

sampleProvider.UpdateScopeInfoCommand = updReplicaInfoCmd;
Dim updReplicaInfoCmd As New SqlCommand()

With updReplicaInfoCmd
    .CommandType = CommandType.Text
    .CommandText = "UPDATE  Sync.ScopeInfo SET " _
                 & "scope_sync_knowledge = @" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeKnowledge + ", " _
                 & "scope_id = @" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeId + ", " _
                 & "scope_tombstone_cleanup_knowledge = @" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeCleanupKnowledge + " " _
                 & "WHERE scope_name = @" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeName + " AND " _
                 & " ( @" + DbSyncSession.SyncCheckConcurrency + " = 0 OR scope_timestamp = @" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeTimestamp + "); " _
                 & "set @" + DbSyncSession.SyncRowCount + " = @@rowcount"
    .Parameters.Add("@" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeKnowledge, SqlDbType.VarBinary, 10000)
    .Parameters.Add("@" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeCleanupKnowledge, SqlDbType.VarBinary, 10000)
    .Parameters.Add("@" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeName, SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100)
    .Parameters.Add("@" + DbSyncSession.SyncCheckConcurrency, SqlDbType.Int)
    .Parameters.Add("@" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeId, SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier)
    .Parameters.Add("@" + DbSyncSession.SyncScopeTimestamp, SqlDbType.BigInt)
    .Parameters.Add("@" + DbSyncSession.SyncRowCount, SqlDbType.Int).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
End With

sampleProvider.UpdateScopeInfoCommand = updReplicaInfoCmd

See Also


DbSyncProvider Class

Microsoft.Synchronization.Data Namespace