SerializationStatus.Status Enumeration

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Indicates the error code that occurred during the serialization of the constraint system.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Solvers
Assembly:  Microsoft.Solver.Foundation (in Microsoft.Solver.Foundation.dll)


Public Enumeration Status
public enum Status
public enum class Status
type Status
public enum Status


Member name Description
INTERNALERROR Cannot handle an error in the parser.
WRITEFAILED Cannot write to the output stream during a save operation.
UNABLETOPARSEMODEL Cannot parse a model.
UNABLETOPARSEHEADER Cannot parse the header block.
UNABLETOPARSEUNARYTERM Cannot parse a unary operator.
UNABLETOPARSETERMNAME Cannot parse a term name.
UNABLETOPARSEDOMAIN Cannot parse a domain.
UNABLETOPARSELINE Cannot parse a line in the input stream.
UNABLETOPARSENUMBER Cannot parse a number.
UNABLETOPARSESTRING Cannot parse a string.
NOSYMBOLSINSET Cannot parse symbols in a symbol set.
NOINTSINSET Cannot parse integers in an integer set.
UNABLETOPARSEVARIABLE Cannot parse a variable line.
UNABLETOPARSEMULTITERM Cannot parse multiple terms in one line.
UNABLETOPARSESYMBOL Cannot parse a symbol reference.
UNABLETOPARSECONSTRAINT Cannot parse a constraint line.
UNABLETOPARSEMOFN Cannot parse an M of N term.
UNABLETOPARSEPOWER Cannot parse a power term.
UNABLETOPARSEINDEX Cannot parse an index term.
UNABLETOPARSESYMBOLREF Cannot parse a symbol reference.
DUPLICATEVARNAME Detected a duplicate variable name.
INVALIDNUMTERMSIMPLIES Invalid number of terms in the implies operator.
UNABLETOPARSENONDECISIVE Cannot parse nondecisive tokens.
NONDECISIVEPARSE Error parsing non-decisive tokens.
OK The operation was successful.
UNABLETOPARSEISELEMENTOF Cannot parse an IsElementOf term.

See Also


Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Solvers Namespace