BaseXsltListWebPart Fields

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The BaseXsltListWebPart type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected field _assemblyReferences Registers directive markups that help parse the output of XSLT transformation by a DataFormWebPart object. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field _bypassXSLCache Indicates whether the XSL transformation should bypass the cached XSL. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field _connectedFilterProviders Specifies a collection of filter providers that provide Web Part–to–Web Part connections to the current DataFormWebPart object. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field _connectedParametersProviders Specifies a collection of Web Part collection providers that are set on the current DataFormWebPart object. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field _deferParamBinding Indicates whether the parameter binding is deferred. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field _deferredXSLTBecauseOfConnections Defers the XSLT transformation until all data is received. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field _fieldNameXPaths Specifies a hash table that returns a collection of XPaths that are mapped to field display names that are exposed by the current view. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field _fireInitialRow Indicates whether to fire the initial row. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field _nameValuesFromClick Reserved for internal use only. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field _onLoadFired Indicates whether the OnLoad call of the Web Part has been executed. For internal use only. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field _pagePath Specifies the path of the target page. (Inherited from BaseXsltDataWebPart.)
Protected field _receivedFilterData Stores data received from the Web Part connection. The data is applied to the filter later in the life cycle of the page. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field _receivedParametersData Stores data received from the Web Part collection. The data is applied to the parameters later in the life cycle of the page. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field _rowData Stores the name/value pairs from the collection post-back. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field _rowProviderConnectedCount Contains a count of the connected row providers to the current DataFormWebPart object. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field _viewClicked Indicates whether the user has clicked on the record, initiating the connection. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field _viewCount Used for pagination of items in a list view.
Protected field _xsl Represents the XSL text to be rendered using XSLT transformation. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field defaultXSLName Specifies the name of the default Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) file.
Protected field eventArgument Records the callback string arguments for later processing. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected field webId Represents the globally unique identifier (GUID) of a SPWeb to which the SPList that is associated with the DataFormWebPart belongs. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)


See Also


BaseXsltListWebPart Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages Namespace