SPPictureLibrary methods

The SPPictureLibrary type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddItem() Creates a list item in the root folder of the list. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method AddItem(String, SPFileSystemObjectType) Creates a list item of a specified type in the specified folder in the list. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method AddItem(String, SPFileSystemObjectType, String) Creates a list item of a specified type with a specified file name in the specified folder in the list. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method AddWorkflowAssociation Obsolete. Adds a workflow association to the list. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method AppendDataTable Appends the results returned by a query to an existing data table. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method BreakRoleInheritance(Boolean) Creates unique role assignments for the object and optionally copies role assignments from the parent. (Inherited from SPSecurableObject.)
Public method BreakRoleInheritance(Boolean, Boolean) Creates unique role assignments for the list from the parent, optionally copies roles assignments from the parent, and optionally clears unique role assignments from descendants. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method CheckPermissions Checks whether the current user has the specified set of permissions for the list and throws an exception if the user does not have them. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method Delete Deletes the list. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method DoesUserHavePermissions(SPBasePermissions) Indicates whether the current user has a specified set of permissions. (Inherited from SPSecurableObject.)
Public method DoesUserHavePermissions(SPBasePermissions, Boolean) Indicates whether the current user has a specified set of permissions on the list and optionally checks permissions on the current folder. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method DoesUserHavePermissions(SPUser, SPBasePermissions) Indicates whether the specified user has the specified set of permissions on the list. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method DoesUserHavePermissionsForUI(SPBasePermissions) (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method DoesUserHavePermissionsForUI(SPBasePermissions, Boolean) Checks the permissions for a given set of rights, as they should be displayed in the UI, and returns a Boolean. Optionally checks for permissions on a folder. This will only differ from DoesUserHavePermissions if ReadOnlyUI is set to true, and will always be as or more restrictive than DoesUserHavePermissions. (Inherited from SPList.)
Protected method EnsurePropsFresh Checks the properties of the list, and, if necessary, updates them to ensure that the most current settings are used. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method EnsureRssSettings Ensures that the RSS settings of the list are current. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetChanges() Returns the default number of changes from the current change log for the list. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetChanges(SPChangeQuery) Gets the changes to the list from the change log as filtered by the specified query. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetChanges(SPChangeToken) Returns a collection of changes starting from a particular point in the change log. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetChanges(SPChangeToken, SPChangeToken) Returns a collection of changes logged over a specified period of time. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetContentTypeIdByUrl Returns the content type identifier (ID) for the content type with the specified URL. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetDataTable Retrieves a data table that contains item data that satisfies a query. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetDefaultViewForContentType Returns the default view of list data that is used by the specified content type. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetDirectChildContentType Returns the content type identifier (ID) for the content type that is the direct child of the specified content type. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetDistinctFieldValues Obsolete. Returns a two-dimensional object that represents an array of field values in which data duplication within a specified field in the list is eliminated and each value returned is unique. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetItemById Gets the list item with the specified identifier (ID). (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetItemByIdAllFields Returns the list item with the specified identifier (ID). (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetItemByIdSelectedFields Gets the list item with the specified identifier (ID) and includes only the values for the specified fields. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetItemByUniqueId Gets the list item by GUID. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetItems([]) Returns a collection of items from the list but includes only the specified field values. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetItems(SPQuery) Gets a collection of items from the list based on the specified query. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetItems(SPView) Returns a collection of items from the list based on the specified view. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetItems(SPQuery, String) Gets a collection of items from the list based on the specified query and view. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetItemsInFolder Returns a collection of items from the document library based on the specified view and folder. (Inherited from SPDocumentLibrary.)
Public method GetItemsWithUniquePermissions() Returns a collection of SPListItemInfo objects for items that have unique permissions. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetItemsWithUniquePermissions(Int32, Boolean) Returns a collection of SPListItemInfo objects for items that have unique permissions by specifying the maximum number of items to return and whether to return only folder information. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetPropertiesXmlForUncustomizedViews Returns properties of the uncustomized views of the list, including the GUID, the type, the display name, the URL, and the ID of the base view. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetRelatedFields() Returns a collection of objects with information about a lookup field in another list that points to a field in this list. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetRelatedFields(SPRelationshipDeleteBehavior) Gets a collection of objects with information about a lookup field in another list that points to a field in this list, depending upon the specified deletion constraint. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetUncustomizedViewByBaseViewId Gets the view object that is associated with the specified base view identifier (ID). (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetUserEffectivePermissionInfo Gets detailed information about the effective permissions that a specified user has on the list and the role assignments for this user at this scope. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetUserEffectivePermissions Gets the effective permissions that a specified user has on the list. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method GetView Returns a view of the list based on the specified GUID. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method IsContentTypeAllowed(SPContentType) Verifies that the list supports the specified content type. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method IsContentTypeAllowed(SPContentTypeId) Verifies that the list supports the specified content type. (Inherited from SPList.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Recycle Recycles the list and returns the list's globally unique identifier (GUID). (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method RemoveWorkflowAssociation Obsolete. Removes the specified workflow association from the list. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method RenderAsHtml Gets the results of the specified query in HTML format. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method RenderListData(String) Returns the data for the specified query view. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method RenderListData(String, Guid) Returns the data for the specified query view. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method RenderListFormData (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method ResetRoleInheritance Resets the role assignments of the list and all its descendant object to those of the list's parent object. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method SaveAsNewView First tries to find if the view already exists. Overwrite it if yes, add a new view if no. Then extract all the adhoc filter/sort info from the URL and build and update the view's xml Returns the url of the new/overwritten view. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method SaveAsTemplate Saves the list as a template in the list template gallery and includes the option of saving with or without the data that is contained in the current list. (Inherited from SPList.)
Protected method SetAttributesForPropertiesXML This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method ToString Returns the title of the list. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method Update() Updates the database with changes that are made to the list. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method Update(Boolean) Updates the database with changes that are made to the list, optionally including changes that result from data migration. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method UpdateWorkflowAssociation Obsolete. Updates the specified workflow association. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method WriteRssFeed(Stream) Writes the RSS feeds from the list to the specified document stream. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method WriteRssFeed(Stream, Int32) Writes the RSS feeds that are associated with the specified meeting to the specified document stream. (Inherited from SPList.)
Public method WriteRssFeed(Stream, Int32, SPView) Writes the RSS feeds that are associated with the specified meeting and view to the specified document stream. (Inherited from SPList.)


See also


SPPictureLibrary class

Microsoft.SharePoint namespace