SPIisWebServiceEndpoint methods

The SPIisWebServiceEndpoint type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Clone Returns a clone of the object that does not come from the in-memory cache, which enables calling code to help ensure thread safety. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Delete Deletes the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Equals Determines whether the current persisted object equals the specified object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetChild<T>() Returns the child of the persisted object based on the specified type. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method GetChild<T>(String) Returns the child object of the persisted object based on the specified name. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method GetEndpointUri Obsolete. Returns the uniform resource identifier (URI) for the endpoint of a specified instance of a service.
Public method GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for the persisted object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method GetObjectData Gets the serialized state of the object. (Inherited from SPAutoSerializingObject.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method HasAdditionalUpdateAccess Override this method to allow more users to update the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method LegacyUpdate (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method OnDeserialization Called immediately after the base class deserializes itself to do additional work. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method OnPostCreate (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method OnPreCreate (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Provision Makes the changes to the local server that are needed before the object can be used. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method ResetHostName Resets the endpoint host name to the default value.
Public method RunWithConcurrencyRetries (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method SetHostName Sets the host name for this endpoint.
Public method ToString Returns the type and name of an object and of all its ancestors (parent, grandparent, and so on). (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Uncache Frees the memory cache that is used by the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Unprovision Makes the changes to the local server that are needed to clean up after deleting the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Update() Causes the object to save its state and propagate changes to all the computers in the server farm. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Update(Boolean) Causes the object to save its state and propagate changes to all the computers in the server farm, optionally throwing an exception if the object already exists in the configuration store. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method UpdateParent Causes the containing SPPersistedObject, if one exists, to update its state. (Inherited from SPAutoSerializingObject.)
Public method UpdateWithNoObjectCallbackCheck (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method Validate Validates the state of all fields before persisting the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)


Explicit interface implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IBackupRestore.AddBackupObjects Adds the object to the backup and restore operation.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IBackupRestore.OnAbort An event that is called in the backup and restore infrastructure when the user cancels the operation.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IBackupRestore.OnBackup An event that is called when the system is being backed up.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IBackupRestore.OnBackupComplete The event that is called when the system is finished with the backup and restore procedure.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IBackupRestore.OnPostRestore The event that is called when the system is finished restoring.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IBackupRestore.OnPrepareBackup The event that is called when the system is preparing a backup operation.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IBackupRestore.OnPreRestore The event that is called when the system is preparing a restore operation.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IBackupRestore.OnRestore The event that is called when the system is being restored.


See also


SPIisWebServiceEndpoint class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration namespace