CleanRiaClientFilesTask Properties

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

[WCF RIA Services Version 1 Service Pack 2 is compatible with either .NET framework 4 or .NET Framework 4.5, and with either Silverlight 4 or Silverlight 5.]

The CleanRiaClientFilesTask type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property BuildEngine (Inherited from Task.)
Public property BuildEngine2 (Inherited from Task.)
Public property BuildEngine3 (Inherited from Task.)
Public property BuildEngine4 (Inherited from Task.)
Protected property ClientProjectDirectory Gets the absolute path to the project running this task. (Inherited from RiaClientFilesTask.)
Public property ClientProjectPath Gets or sets the path to the client project currently running this task. (Inherited from RiaClientFilesTask.)
Public property HasLoggedErrors Gets a value that indicates whether any errors were logged. (Inherited from RiaClientFilesTask.)
Protected property HelpKeywordPrefix (Inherited from Task.)
Public property HostObject (Inherited from Task.)
Public property LiveIntellisense Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this is a build specifically for Live Intellisense that should not affect artifacts used by a real build. (Inherited from RiaClientFilesTask.)
Public property Log (Inherited from Task.)
Protected property OutputDirectory Gets the absolute path of the output directory. (Inherited from RiaClientFilesTask.)
Public property OutputPath Gets or sets the path where ancillary temporary files should go. (Inherited from RiaClientFilesTask.)
Protected property TaskResources (Inherited from Task.)


See Also


CleanRiaClientFilesTask Class

Microsoft.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Tools Namespace