MessagingFactory.OnBeginAcceptMessageSession Method

Executes the begin accept message session action.

Namespace:  Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging
Assembly:  Microsoft.ServiceBus (in Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll)


Protected MustOverride Function OnBeginAcceptMessageSession ( _
    receiveMode As ReceiveMode, _
    timeout As TimeSpan, _
    callback As AsyncCallback, _
    state As Object _
) As IAsyncResult
Dim receiveMode As ReceiveMode
Dim timeout As TimeSpan
Dim callback As AsyncCallback
Dim state As Object
Dim returnValue As IAsyncResult

returnValue = Me.OnBeginAcceptMessageSession(receiveMode, _
    timeout, callback, state)
protected abstract IAsyncResult OnBeginAcceptMessageSession(
    ReceiveMode receiveMode,
    TimeSpan timeout,
    AsyncCallback callback,
    Object state
virtual IAsyncResult^ OnBeginAcceptMessageSession(
    ReceiveMode receiveMode, 
    TimeSpan timeout, 
    AsyncCallback^ callback, 
    Object^ state
) abstract
abstract OnBeginAcceptMessageSession : 
        receiveMode:ReceiveMode * 
        timeout:TimeSpan * 
        callback:AsyncCallback * 
        state:Object -> IAsyncResult 
protected abstract function OnBeginAcceptMessageSession(
    receiveMode : ReceiveMode, 
    timeout : TimeSpan, 
    callback : AsyncCallback, 
    state : Object
) : IAsyncResult


  • timeout
    Type: System.TimeSpan
    The wait time before the operation times out.

Return Value

Type: System.IAsyncResult
An IAsyncResult object that references the asynchronous accept message session action.

See Also


MessagingFactory Class

Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging Namespace