Microsoft.Rtc.Sip Namespace



Arguments passed to the event handler when application settings change


Class which wraps ServiceConsumer to provide information about ServerApplication configuration.


Exception to wrap internal exceptions.


Contains configuration information for a server application.


The application manifest class.


This class represents an App-Via Stamp and is derived from the System.Object class.


The AppViaStampCollection class represents a read-only collection of AppViaStamps. This class implements the IEnumerable and ICollection interfaces and is derived from the System.Object class.


Represents the AuthorizedHostOperationCompleted event handler arguments.


The BranchCollection class represents an unordered collection of client transactions (branches) that are associated with a server transaction. Each client transaction is represented as a ClientTransaction object, and can be obtained through the IEnumerator interface that is returned by the GetEnumerator() method.A BranchCollection object is obtained by referencing the Branches property, which contains all of the client transactions that are defined for that server transaction.This class implements the IEnumerable interface.The BranchCollection class is derived from the System.Object class.


Additional information that can be sent with a CANCEL request.


The ClientTransaction class defines a SIP client transaction object located on a SIP proxy.A ClientTransaction object is created by calling the CreateBranch() method on a ServerTransaction object. To fork the proxy behavior, ServerTransaction.CreateBranch can be called multiple times. However, a ClientTransaction object can service only one request. To send the request, call the SendRequest(Request) method.To handle the responses for the request that are sent by a specific client transaction, you must register for the ResponseReceived event. This event returns a ResponseReceivedEventArgs object whenever it is raised, and contains the response as a Response class object.Currently, the User Account Control (UAC) client transaction case is not supported, where the server originates a client transaction. Only proxy behaviors are available for this classThe ClientTransaction class is derived from the Transaction class.


The CompilerErrorException class defines the exception that is thrown when an application manifest compiler encounters an error.The CompilerErrorException class is derived from the System.ApplicationException class.


The ConnectionDroppedEventArgs class defines the object that is returned by the ConnectionDropped event.The ConnectionDroppedEventArgs class is derived from the System.EventArgs class.


Contact entry that is used to route requests to registered endpoints. This data type can only be received as a parameter from SPL to the Dispatch handler.


The DefaultRTCClassAttribute class indicates which derived class to use in place of a standard SIP class. For example, a custom class to handle SIP responses can be designated with this attribute, as long as the new response class inherits from the Response class. To use DefaultRTCClassAttribute, the custom class must inherit from one of the following classes: Request, Response, ClientTransaction, or ServerTransaction.The DefaultRTCClassAttribute class is derived from the System.Attribute class.


The Header class defines a SIP header.. A Header instance may belong to multiple HeaderCollection instances. The Header class is derived from the System.Object class.


Represents an ordered collection of SIP headers. This class implements the IEnumerable and ICollection interfaces.The HeaderCollection class is derived from the System.Object class.


Base class for SIP message classes.


Provides data for NotificationReceivedEventHandler events.


Implements an object space. Object spaces are collections of objects that share a common lock and lifetime.


Represents SIP requests. The Request class defines a SIP request sent from a client transaction to a server transaction.Client transactions are represented as a ClientTransaction object, and server transactions are represented as a ServerTransaction object. A request is sent by calling the SendRequest(Request) method. Any transaction may have only one associated request.Requests are proxied by calling the CreateBranch() and creating an associated ClientTransaction object for the proxied request. To fork a request, call ServerTransaction.CreateBranch once for each fork, and then call ClientTransaction.SendRequest on each element in the BranchCollection found at Branches.To generate a response message for a request, call CreateResponse() on the associated Request object. Populate the Response message with the proper status class and reason phrase, and then pass it to SendResponse(Response), by using the ServerTransaction object for the initial request.When a response is returned for a specific request, a ResponseReceived event is raised on the ClientTransaction object that sent the request, and a ResponseReceivedEventArgs object is supplied to the method that is provided to the ResponseReceivedEventHandler delegate.


The RequestReceivedEventArgs class defines information to an application regarding the arrival of a SIP request.When a request has been successfully dispatched by the MSPL message filter (see the Dispatch built-in function), an event containing a RequestReceivedEventArgs object will be dispatched to the specified method (whose signature must match the ResponseReceivedEventHandler delegate). RequestReceivedEventArgs contains the request as the Request property.An instance of ServerTransaction is created as a property of RequestReceivedEventArgs. This property represents the new server transaction for the request. To forward this request, call CreateBranch() to create a ClientTransaction and call SendRequest(Request), passing the Request object in the RequestReceivedEventArgs.Request property.


The Response class defines a SIP response sent from a server transaction to a client transaction.To generate a response message for a request, call CreateResponse() on the associated Request object. Populate the Response message with the proper status class and reason phrase, and then pass it to SendResponse(Response), using the ServerTransaction object for the initial request.There are two methods for receiving a response:First, the response is filtered by the MSPL message filter and dispatched to a specific method that is defined in your application. (For more information, see the Dispatch built-in MSPL function.) The method handling the response must have a signature that matches the RequestReceivedEventHandler delegate. Second, the originating request that incurred the response was sent from a specific ClientTransaction object instance that is running on your application. In this case, the response is obtained by registering an event handler for the ResponseReceived event. In both cases, the response is returned as the Response property, which contains a Response object. In the case where a ClientTransaction object on the application incurred the response, the ClientTransaction property will contain a reference to the specific client transaction.


The ResponseCollection class defines an enumerable, read-only collection of Response objects.This class implements the IEnumerable and ICollection interfaces.The ResponseCollection class is derived from the System.Object class.


The ResponseReceivedEventArgs class defines information to an application regarding the arrival of a SIP response, and contains a Response object for the response that generated the event.The ResponseReceivedEventArgs object is returned in two ways:First, it is passed to a method defined on the application and specified by a call to the Dispatch MSPL built-in function from the application manifest message filter script. In this case, the method handling the dispatched response must have a signature matching that of the ResponseReceivedEventHandler delegate.Second, it is passed to an event handler registered for the ResponseReceived. This event is only available for ClientTransaction objects who have previously sent a request with SendRequest(Request), and handle any responses associated with this request.The ResponseReceivedEventArgs class is derived from the System.Object class.


Implements the server agent.


The exception that is thrown when server connection could not be established.


Represents SIP server transactions.The ServerTransaction class defines a SIP server transaction object located on a SIP proxy or user agent server (UAS). A ServerTransaction instance is generated as the ServerTransaction property, available on the RequestReceivedEventArgs object dispatched to a specific method by the MSPL script filter. (For more information, see the Dispatch MSPL built-in function.) There are no public constructors for this class.The request being serviced by this server transaction can be forwarded by calling CreateBranch(), which will create an associated ClientTransaction. To fork a message, CreateBranch can be called for each fork. The collection of branches for this server transaction can be obtained as a BranchCollection object by referencing the Branches property. Requests are sent by calling SendRequest(Request) on each branch.To send a response for the request the server transaction was created to service, call Microsoft.Rtc.Sip.ServerTransaction.SendResponse(Microsoft.Rtc.Sip.Response with the Response object created by calling CreateResponse(Int32) on the Request object available in the Request property.The ServerTransaction class is derived from the Transaction class.


Base class for SIP transaction classes.


The exception that is thrown when an authorized connection to the server is attempted and is rejected by the server.



Microsoft-specific message authentication and authorization information.



If message arrived from the external edge of an enterprise Edge Proxy, this identifies the network.


If message originates from the external edge of an enterprise Edge Proxy, this identifies the source.


Enumeration that describes how the message originated.


Controls the value of the branched parameter that is located in the topmost Via header of the outgoing requests.


Represents the reason for the dropped connection event.


Enumeration containing standard header types.


Enumeration that contains the standard method types.


Defines the various roles with which the server can be configured.



Delegate that defines the signature of the event handler to be called when application settings change.


Represents the AuthorizedHostOperationCompletedEventHandler instance. Called when the Add/RemoveAuthorizedHost operation is completed.


Represents the dropped connection event handler delegate.


Delegate that is used for incoming notifications that are dispatched to the application.


This delegate is used for incoming requests that are dispatched to the application.


Delegate used for incoming responses that are dispatched to the application.


Delegate for possibly handling an exception in the application.