FiscalMessageType Enumeration


Enumerates all possible fiscal message types.

Namespace: Microsoft.PointOfService
Assembly: Microsoft.PointOfService (in microsoft.pointofservice.dll)


Public Enumeration FiscalMessageType
public enum FiscalMessageType
public enum class FiscalMessageType
public enum FiscalMessageType
public enum FiscalMessageType


Member name Description
Advance Advance.
AdvancePaid Advance paid.
AmountToBePaid Amount to be paid.
AmountToBePaidBack Amount to be paid back.
Card Card.
CardNumber Card number.
CardType Card type.
Cash Cash.
Cashier Cashier.
CashRegisterNumber Cash register number.
Change Change.
Cheque Check.
ClientNumber Client number.
ClientSignature Client signature.
CounterState Counter state.
CreditCard Credit card.
Currency Currency.
CurrencyValue Currency value.
Deposit Deposit.
DepositReturned Deposit returned.
DotLine Dot line.
DriverNumber Driver number.
EmptyLine Empty line.
FreeText Free text
FreeTextWithDayLimit Free text with day limit.
GivenDiscount Given discount.
LocalCredit Local credit.
MileageKilometers Mileage (kilometers).
Note Note.
Paid Paid.
PayIn Pay in.
PointGranted Point granted.
PointsBonus Points bonus.
PointsReceipt Points receipt.
PointsTotal Points total.
Profited Profited.
Rate Rate.
RegisterNumber Register number.
ShiftNumber Shift number.
StateOfAnAccount State of an account.
Subscription Subscription.
Table Table.
ThankYouForLoyalty Thank you for your loyalty.
TransactionNumber Transaction number.
ValidTo Valid to.
Voucher Voucher.
VoucherPaid Voucher paid.
VoucherValue Voucher value.
WithDiscount With discount.
WithoutUplift Without uplift.


Used by the MessageType property. Members of this enumeration replace the FPTR_MT_ family of UPOS constants.

See Also


Microsoft.PointOfService Namespace