Annotation properties

The Annotation type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CellpathCoordinates Gets or sets the coordinates of the scorecard cell (cell context) for this annotation.
Public property Comments Gets the collection of comments that this annotation contains.
Public property ConfiguredViewID Gets or sets the identifier of the ConfiguredView object for this annotation.
Public property CreatedOn Gets or sets the date and time that this annotation was created.
Public property Guid Gets or sets the GUID for this annotation.
Public property LastUpdatedBy Gets or sets the last user to update the annotation.
Public property LastUpdatedOn Gets or sets the date and time that the annotation was last updated.
Public property Owner Gets or sets the user who created this annotation.
Public property Properties Gets the properties of this annotation.
Public property ScorecardLocation Gest or sets the location in the repository of the scorecard that is referenced by this annotation.
Public property Slice Gets or sets the aggregation context of the slices that this annotation applies to, which includes the column, row, and page filters for the scorecard cell or cells.
Public property Version Gets or sets the version of the product in which this annotation instance was created.


See also


Annotation class

Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards namespace