RibbonGallery Properties

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The RibbonGallery type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Buttons Gets the collection of buttons on this RibbonGallery.
Public property ColumnCount Gets or sets the number of Item columns in this RibbonGallery.
Public property ControlSize Gets or sets the size of the RibbonGallery control.
Public property Description Gets or sets the text that appears on this RibbonGallery control on a menu or split button.
Public property Enabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this RibbonControl is enabled. (Inherited from RibbonControl.)
Public property Id Gets a string that Microsoft Office uses to identify this RibbonControl object. (Inherited from RibbonControl.)
Public property Image Gets or sets the image that is displayed on the button.
Public property ImageName Gets or sets the name that you can use to identify the RibbonGallery in the LoadImage event handler.
Public property ItemImageSize Gets or sets a Size that gives the dimensions of the images that are displayed by the items in this RibbonGallery.
Public property Items Gets a collection of the RibbonDropDownItem components in this RibbonGallery.
Public property KeyTip Gets or sets the keyboard shortcut for this RibbonGallery.
Public property Label Gets or sets the text that appears on this RibbonGallery.
Public property Name Gets or sets the name of this RibbonComponent. (Inherited from RibbonComponent.)
Public property OfficeImageId Gets or sets the image to display on the control, if you want to use a built-in Microsoft Office icon.
Public property Parent Gets a RibbonComponent that represents the parent of this RibbonComponent. (Inherited from RibbonComponent.)
Public property Position Gets or sets the position of the gallery, if the gallery is on the Microsoft Office Menu.
Public property Ribbon Gets the top-level Ribbon object that contains the control hierarchy. (Inherited from RibbonComponent.)
Public property RibbonUI Infrastructure. Gets the IRibbonUI instance that is provided by the Microsoft Office application to the Ribbon extensibility code. (Inherited from RibbonComponent.)
Public property RowCount Gets or sets the number of rows of RibbonDropDownItem components that this RibbonGallery displays.
Public property ScreenTip Gets or sets tip text that appears when the user moves the pointer over this RibbonGallery.
Public property SelectedItem Gets or sets the currently selected item.
Public property SelectedItemIndex Gets or sets the index of the currently selected RibbonDropDownItem.
Public property ShowImage Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the image that is associated with the RibbonGallery is visible.
Public property ShowItemImage Gets or sets a value that indicates whether images are displayed for the items in the gallery.
Public property ShowItemLabel Gets or sets a value that indicates whether labels are shown for items on this RibbonGallery.
Public property ShowItemSelection Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the currently selected RibbonDropDownItem is visually differentiated from the rest of the unselected items.
Public property ShowLabel Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the label for this RibbonGallery is visible.
Public property Site Gets or sets the ISite associated with the IComponent. (Inherited from IComponent.)
Public property SuperTip Gets or sets multiline tip text that appears when the user moves the pointer over the RibbonGallery.
Public property Tag Gets or sets application-specific data that is associated with this RibbonComponent. (Inherited from RibbonComponent.)
Public property Visible Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this RibbonControl is visible. (Inherited from RibbonControl.)


See Also


RibbonGallery Interface

Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon Namespace