Microsoft.Office.SharePointWorkspace.AddIn Namespace

The Microsoft.Office.SharePointWorkspace.AddIn namespace provides the classes and interfaces to access a SharePoint Workspace add-in tool, including the workspace members, tool data connector, and tool context.


  Interface Description
Public interface ISPWApplication Provides context information about the application runtime environment, such as contact information for current user running SharePoint Workspace.
Public interface ISPWContact Provides information about a contact who is a member of the workspace.
Public interface ISPWDataConnector Provides the connection between the underlying tool data and your add-in datasets.
Public interface ISPWManagedToolAddin Provides the add-in handlers that control the add-in tool lifetime events.
Public interface ISPWManagedToolAddinUI Provides the add-in handlers that control the tool user interface lifetime events.
Public interface ISPWMember Provides information about the workspace member, including the member's role in the workspace.
Public interface ISPWTool Provides access to the tool and the tool context.
Public interface ISPWToolUI Provides access to the tool's user interface.
Public interface ISPWWorkspace Provides the workspace name and the workspace members.