SearchResultsBaseToolPart fields

The SearchResultsBaseToolPart type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected field _AppendedQueryTextBox Stores the additional query terms specified in the Append Text to Query text box.
Protected field _AppendedQueryTextBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Append Text To Query text box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _AppenededQueryTextBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Append Text To Query text box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _CharactersInSummaryLabel Stores the label text for the Characters in Summary text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _CharactersInSummaryTextBox Stores the value specified in the Characters In Summary text box.
Protected field _CharactersInSummaryToolTip Stores the tool tip text for the Characters in Summary text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _CharactersInUrlLabel Stores the label text for the Characters In URL text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _CharactersInUrlTextBox Stores the value specified in the Characters In URL text box.
Protected field _CharactersInUrlToolTip Stores the tool tip text for the Characters In URL text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _CollapseToggleSwitchTooltip Stores the tool tip string displayed when a user pauses the mouse over the collapse icon for a tool pane section.
Protected field _EnableStemmingCheckBox Stores the checked status of the Enable Search Term Stemming check box.
Protected field _EnableStemmingCheckBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Enable Search Terms Stemming check box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _EnableStemmingCheckBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Enable Search Terms Stemming check box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _ExpandToggleSwitchTooltip Stores the tool tip string displayed when a user pauses the mouse over the expand icon for a tool pane section.
Protected field _FixedQueryTextBox Stores the fixed query specified in the Fixed Keyword Query text box.
Protected field _FixedQueryTextBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Fixed Keyword Query text box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _FixedQueryTextBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Fixed Keyword Query text box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _IgnoreNoiseWordsCheckBox Stores the checked status of the Ignore Noise Words check box.
Protected field _IgnoreNoiseWordsCheckBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Ignore Noise Words check box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _IgnoreNoiseWordsCheckBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Ignore Noise Words check box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _InvalidCharactersInSummaryError Stores the string displayed when a user specifies a value that is not valid in the Characters In Summary text box.
Protected field _InvalidCharactersInUrlError Stores the string displayed when a user specifies a value that is not valid in the Characters In URL text box.
Protected field _InvalidResultsPerPageError Stores the string displayed when a user specifies a value that is not valid in the Results Per Page text box.
Protected field _InvalidWebpartError Stores the error string when a Web Part that is not valid attempts to load the tool pane.
Protected field _LimitCharactersInSummaryCheckBox Stores the checked status of the Limit Characters In Summary check box.
Protected field _LimitCharactersInSummaryCheckBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Limit Characters In Summary check box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _LimitCharactersInSummaryToolTip Stores the tool tip text for the Limit Characters In Summary check box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _LimitCharactersInUrlCheckBox Stores the checked status of the Limit Characters In URL check box.
Protected field _LimitCharactersInUrlCheckBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Limit Characters In URL check box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _LimitCharactersInUrlToolTip Stores the tool tip text for the Limit Characters In URL check box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _LocationType Stores the location type for the location specified in the Location dropdown in the Location Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _MoreLinkLabelTextBox Stores the value specified in the More Results Link Text Label text box.
Protected field _MoreLinkLabelTextBoxLabel Stores the label text for the More Results Link Text Label text box in the More Results Link Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _MoreLinkLabelTextBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the More Results Link Text Label text box in the More Results Link Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _MoreLinkSection The More Results Link Options section tool pane.
Protected field _MoreLinkSectionId This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Protected field _MoreResultsLinkSectionLabel Stores the label text for the More Results Link Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _ParameterBindingsEditorButtonLabel Stores the label text for the Parameters Editor… button.
Protected field _ParameterBindingsEditorDescription Stores the description text for the Parameters Editor field.
Protected field _ParameterBindingsEditorLiteral Stores the title for the Parameters Editor… button.
Protected field _PropertiesToRetrieveTextBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Fetched Properties text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _PropertiesToRetrieveTextBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Fetched Properties text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _PropertiesToRetrieveXmlTexBox Stores the value specified in the Fetched Properties text box.
Protected field _RemoveDuplicatesCheckBox Stores the value specified in the Remove Duplicate Results text box.
Protected field _RemoveDuplicatesCheckBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Remove Duplicate Results check box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _RemoveDuplicatesCheckBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Remove Duplicate Results check box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _ResultPerPageLabel Stores the label text for the Results Per Page text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _ResultsDisplaySection The Display Properties section tool pane.
Protected field _ResultsDisplaySectionId This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Protected field _ResultsDisplayViewsSectionLabel Stores the label text for the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _ResultsPerPageTextBox Stores the value specified in the Results Per Page text box.
Protected field _ResultsPerPageTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Results Per Page text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _ResultsQueryOptionsSection The Results Query Options section tool pane.
Protected field _ResultsQueryOptionsSectionId This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Protected field _ResultsQueryOptionsSectionLabel Stores the label text for the Results Query Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _ShowMoreLinkCheckBox Stores the value specified in the Show More Results Link check box.
Protected field _ShowMoreLinkCheckBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Show More Results Link check box in the More Results Link Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _ShowMoreLinkCheckBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Show More Results Link check box in the More Results Link Options section of the tool pane.
Protected field _UseLocationVisualisation Stores the value specified in the Use Location Visualization check box.
Protected field _UseLocationVisualisationLabel Stores the label text for the Use Location Visualization check box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _UseLocationVisualisationTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Use Location Visualization check box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _XslEditorButtonLabel Stores the label text for the XSL Editor button in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _XslEditorDescription Stores the description text for the XSL Editor button in the Display Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _XslEditorLiteral Reserved for internal use.


See also


SearchResultsBaseToolPart class

Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls namespace