ISearchSiteAdministrationServiceApplication members

Defines common functionality to a Search service application for administering and managing Search components on a server.

The ISearchSiteAdministrationServiceApplication type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddAuthorityPage
Public method AddBestBetLink Adds an association between an existing Best Bet and a keyword to the database.
Public method AddConsumer Adds a Search scope consumer to the database.
Public method AddDemotedSite
Public method AddDisplayGroup Adds a Search scope display group for a Search scope consumer.
Public method AddLanguageResourcePhrase
Public method AddNewBestBet Adds a new Best Bet for the specified keyword to the database.
Public method AddNewLocationConfiguration Adds a new federated location to the database.
Public method AddRankingModel
Public method AddResultItemType Internal use only.
Public method AddResultSource (Inherited from IQuerypipelineManager.)
Public method AddRule Adds a new rule for a Search scope to the database.
Public method AddScope Adds a new Search scope to the database.
Public method AddSpecialTerm Adds a new keyword to the database.
Public method AddSynonym Adds a synonym for the specified keyword to the database.
Public method ClearUserClickHistory
Public method DeleteAuthorityPage
Public method DeleteConsumer Deletes the specified Search scope consumer from the database.
Public method DeleteDemotedSite
Public method DeleteLocationConfiguration Deletes the federated LocationConfiguration from the database.
Public method DeleteResultItemType Internal use only.
Public method DeleteResultSource (Inherited from IQuerypipelineManager.)
Public method DropDisplayGroup Deletes the specified Search scope display group from the database.
Public method DropRule Deletes the specified Search scope display group from the database.
Public method DropScope Deletes the specified Search scope display group from the database.
Public method DropSpecialTerm Deletes the specified keyword from the database.
Public method DropSynonym Deletes a synonym of the specified keyword from the database.
Public method GetAuthorityPages
Public method GetBestBet Retrieves a Best Bet for the specified URL and keyword consumer group.
Public method GetBestBetForSpecialTerm Retrieves the Best Bet for the URL, specified keyword, and keyword consumer group.
Public method GetBestBetsCount Calculates the number of the BestBet attributes for the specified keyword consumer group that match the specified filtering criteria.
Public method GetBestBetsCountForSpecialTerm Calculates the number of BestBet attributes for the specified keyword.
Public method GetBestBetsInfo Retrieves all of the Best Bets attributes that belongs to the specified keyword consumer group.
Public method GetBestBetsInfoForSpecialTerm Retrieves the list of the Best Bet attributes for the specified keyword.
Public method GetBestBetsOrderInfoForSpecialTerm Retrieves a list of BestBet attributes associated with a keyword and their orders.
Public method GetChangedConsumers Retrieves the names of all Search scope ConsumerInfo that have been changed since the specified version.
Public method GetConsumerInformation Gets the information about the specified consumer.
Public method GetConsumers Retrieves a list of the names of all Search scope consumers.
Public method GetContainingDisplayGroups Retrieves a list of IDs of Search scope display groups in the specified scope.
Public method GetContentSourceNames Gets a list of the names of the content sources managed by the ISearchSiteAdministrationServiceApplication.
Public method GetDefaultResultSource Retrieves the default result source for the given owner. (Inherited from IQuerypipelineManager.)
Public method GetDemotedSites
Public method GetDisplayGroupIDFromName Retrieves the ID of a scope display group with the specified name in the scope consumer with the specified name.
Public method GetDisplayGroupInfo Retrieves the information about a scope display group.
Public method GetDisplayGroupListInfo Retrieves a list of IDs of Search scopes from the specified scope display group.
Public method GetDisplayGroupsCount Retrieves the total number of scope display groups managed by the ISearchSiteAdministrationServiceApplication.
Public method GetDisplayGroupsForConsumer Retrieves information about all of the scope display groups for a scope consumer.
Public method GetDisplayGroupsInfo Retrieves information about all of the display groups for all of the scope consumers.
Public method GetLanguagePhrases
Public method GetLanguageResources
Public method GetLastLocationConfigurationUpdate Retrieves the version of the last configuration changes from the Federation Set.
Public method GetLocationConfigurations Retrieves configuration information for all the federated locations.
Public method GetLocationDescription Retrieves the federated location description.
Public method GetLocationVisualizations Retrieves the list of display formats associated with the specified federated location.
Public method GetManagedProperties Gets a list of information about the properties managed by the ISearchSiteAdministrationServiceApplication.
Public method GetMaxNumberRefinersLimits Returns the limits set by SSA admin on the number of refiners allowed to be configured in the UI
Public method GetPopularQueries
Public method GetPropertyQueryRuleCount Retrieves the number of query rules where the specified property name has the specified property value.
Public method GetProxyInfo Retrieves the information about the Search proxy for this ISearchSiteAdministrationServiceApplication.
Public method GetQuerySuggestionCandidates
Public method GetRankingModels
Public method GetResultItemTypes Internal use only.
Public method GetResultSourceById (Inherited from IQuerypipelineManager.)
Public method GetResultSourceByName (Inherited from IQuerypipelineManager.)
Public method GetResultSourceList (Inherited from IQuerypipelineManager.)
Public method GetResultSourceListWithDefault List result sources according to a SearchObjectFilter along with the default result source for the given SearchObjectOwner in filter. (Inherited from IQuerypipelineManager.)
Public method GetResultSourceNamesByIds (Inherited from IQuerypipelineManager.)
Public method GetRuleInfo Retrieves the information about the specified scope rule.
Public method GetRulesCount Retrieves the number of scope rules for the specified scope.
Public method GetRulesInfo Retrieves a list of information about all of the scope rules defined within the specified Search scope.
Public method GetScopeIDFromName Retrieves the ID of a Search scope with the specified name and scope consumer.
Public method GetScopeInfo Retrieves the information about the specified Search scope.
Public method GetScopeRowCount Retrieves the number of Search scopes with the specified name in the specified site collection.
Public method GetScopesCount Retrieves the total number of Search scopes that are defined in the database.
Public method GetScopesForConsumer Retrieves a list of information about the Search scopes that are managed by the specified Search scope consumer.
Public method GetScopesInfo Retrieves a list of information about the Search scopes.
Public method GetScopesManagerInfo Retrieves the global settings of the Search scopes system.
Public method GetSearchAlertManagerInfo Retrieves information about the Search alert system.
Public method GetSearchAlertNotificationFormat Retrieves the notification format of the Search alert system.
Public method GetSearchApplicationDisplayName Retrieves the display name of the ISearchSiteAdministrationServiceApplication.
Public method GetSearchApplicationName Retrieves the name of the ISearchSiteAdministrationServiceApplication.
Public method GetSearchProviderList (Inherited from IQuerypipelineManager.)
Public method GetSharepointLocationVisualizations Retrieves a list of preselected display formats for the federated location.
Public method GetSiteCollectionUpgradeStatus
Public method GetSpecialTerm Retrieves the keyword from the site collection in the keyword consumer group with the specified keyword term.
Public method GetSpecialTermsCount Retrieves the number of keyword attributes for the specified keyword consumer group.
Public method GetSpecialTermsCountForBestBet Retrieves the number of keyword attributes that are associated with the specified Best Bet.
Public method GetSpecialTermsInfo Retrieves a list of keyword objects from the site collection for a specified keyword consumer group.
Public method GetSpecialTermsInfoForBestBet Retrieves the list of keyword objects associated with a specified Best Bet.
Public method GetSynonym Retrieves the specified synonym associated with the specified keyword.
Public method GetSynonymsCountForSpecialTerm Retrieves the number of synonyms that are associated with the specified keyword.
Public method GetSynonymsInfoSpecialTerm Retrieves a list of synonyms that are associated with a specified keyword.
Public method GetUnusedScopesForConsumer Retrieves a list of information about all scopes for a scope consumer that are not in a display group.
Public method GetUrlRuleCount Retrieves the number of crawled items whose site URL matches a specified URL.
Public method GetUserPreferenceSerializeHelper Retrieves the user preference serialization helper from the database.
Public method GetUserPreferenceSerializeHelperForTenant
Public method GetVisibleScopesCount Retrieves the total number of visible Search scopes defined in the Search application.
Public method GetVolatileScopeInfo Retrieves the information likely to change for the specified Search scope.
Public method GetVolatileScopesManagerInfo Retrieves the information that is likely to change for a Search scope system in the Search application.
Public method ImportPopularQueries
Public method IsQuerySuggestionEnabled
Public method MakeDefaultRankingModel
Public method PutLocationVisualization Adds a new display format for the federated location.
Public method RemoveBestBetLink Deletes the association between a specified keyword and a Best Bet from the database.
Public method RemoveLanguageResourcePhrase
Public method RemoveRankingModel
Public method SetBestBetInfo Updates the information about the specified Best Bet.
Public method SetDisplayGroupInfo Sets the configuration information for a Search scope display group.
Public method SetDisplayGroupListInfo Updates the Search scope display group.
Public method SetQuerySuggestionEnabled
Public method SetRuleInfo Sets the details of the specified Search scope rule.
Public method SetScopeInfo Sets the details of the specified Search scope.
Public method SetScopesManagerInfo Sets the information about the Search scopes system in the ISearchSiteAdministrationServiceApplication.
Public method SetSiteCollectionUpgradeStatus
Public method SetSpecialTermInfo Updates the information about the specified keyword.
Public method SetUserPreferenceSerializeHelper Sets the user preference serialization helper for a specified user.
Public method SetUserPreferenceSerializeHelperSuggestionSettings
Public method StartScopesCompilation Starts the Search scope compilation.
Public method UpdateAuthorityPageUrl
Public method UpdateBestBetsOrder Updates the order attribute of the specified Best Bets with the specified keyword.
Public method UpdateDefaultResultSource Updates the the default result source for the given owner to an exisiting Source specified by sourceId. (Inherited from IQuerypipelineManager.)
Public method UpdateLocationConfiguration Updates a federated Search location configuration of the ISearchSiteAdministrationServiceApplication.
Public method UpdateRankingModel
Public method UpdateResultItemType Internal use only.
Public method UpdateResultSource (Inherited from IQuerypipelineManager.)
Public method UpdateResultSourceActiveValue (Inherited from IQuerypipelineManager.)


See also


ISearchSiteAdministrationServiceApplication interface

Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration namespace