WdPhoneticGuideAlignmentType Enumeration 

Specifies the alignment of phonetic text that is added to the specified range.

Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word (in microsoft.office.interop.word.dll)


Dim wdPhoneticGuideAlignmentType1 As WdPhoneticGuideAlignmentType = WdPhoneticGuideAlignmentType.wdPhoneticGuideAlignmentCenter


Public Enum WdPhoneticGuideAlignmentType
public enum WdPhoneticGuideAlignmentType
public enum class WdPhoneticGuideAlignmentType
public enum WdPhoneticGuideAlignmentType
public enum WdPhoneticGuideAlignmentType


Member name Description
wdPhoneticGuideAlignmentCenter Microsoft Word centers phonetic text over the specified range. This is the default value.
wdPhoneticGuideAlignmentLeft Word left-aligns phonetic text with the specified range.
wdPhoneticGuideAlignmentOneTwoOne Word adjusts the inside and outside spacing of the phonetic text in a 1:2:1 ratio.
wdPhoneticGuideAlignmentRight Word right-aligns phonetic text with the specified range.
wdPhoneticGuideAlignmentRightVertical Word aligns the phonetic text on the right side of vertical text.
wdPhoneticGuideAlignmentZeroOneZero Word adjusts the inside and outside spacing of the phonetic text in a 0:1:0 ratio.


Development Platforms

Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, and Windows 2000

Target Platforms

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace