Document Methods

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The Document type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AcceptAllRevisions Accepts all tracked changes in the specified document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method AcceptAllRevisionsShown Accepts all revisions in the specified document that are displayed on the screen. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Activate Activates the specified object. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method add_BuildingBlockInsert (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method add_Close (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method add_ContentControlAfterAdd (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method add_ContentControlBeforeContentUpdate (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method add_ContentControlBeforeDelete (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method add_ContentControlBeforeStoreUpdate (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method add_ContentControlOnEnter (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method add_ContentControlOnExit (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method add_New (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method add_Open (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method add_Sync (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method add_XMLAfterInsert (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method add_XMLBeforeDelete (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method AddDocumentWorkspaceHeader Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method AddMeetingWorkspaceHeader Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method AddToFavorites Creates a shortcut to the document or hyperlink and adds it to the Favorites folder. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ApplyDocumentTheme Applies a document theme to a document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ApplyQuickStyleSet Changes the set of quick styles listed. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ApplyQuickStyleSet2 Applies the specified Quick Style set to the document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ApplyTheme Applies a theme to an open document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method AutoFormat Automatically formats a document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method AutoSummarize Creates an automatic summary of the specified document, and returns a Range object. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method CanCheckin Determines if Microsoft Word can check in a specified document to a server. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method CheckConsistency Searches all text in a Japanese language document and displays instances where character usage is inconsistent for the same words. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method CheckGrammar Begins a spelling and grammar check for the specified document or range. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method CheckIn Returns a document from a local computer to a server, and sets the local document to read-only so that it cannot be edited locally. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method CheckInWithVersion Puts a document on a server from a local computer, and sets the local document to read-only so that it cannot be edited locally. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method CheckNewSmartTags Accesses the Microsoft Office Web site for available smart tag recognizer and action files. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method CheckSpelling Begins a spelling check for the specified document or range. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Close Closes the specified document or documents. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ClosePrintPreview Switches the specified document from print preview to the previous view. If the specified document isn't in print preview, an error occurs. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Compare Displays revision marks that indicate where the specified document differs from another document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Compare2000 Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Compare2002 Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ComputeStatistics Returns a statistic based on the contents of the specified document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Convert Converts file to the newest file format and enables all new features. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ConvertAutoHyphens Converts hyphens created by automatic hyphenation to manual hyphens. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ConvertNumbersToText Changes the list numbers and LISTNUM fields in the specified object to text. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ConvertVietDoc Reconverts a Vietnamese document to Unicode using a code page other than the default. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method CopyStylesFromTemplate Copies styles from the specified template to a document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method CountNumberedItems Returns the number of bulleted or numbered items and LISTNUM fields in the specified object. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method CreateLetterContent Creates and returns a LetterContent object based on the specified letter elements. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method DataForm Displays the Data Form dialog box, in which you can add, delete, or modify data records. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method DeleteAllComments Deletes all comments from the Comments collection in a document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method DeleteAllCommentsShown Deletes all revisions in a specified document that are displayed on the screen. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method DeleteAllEditableRanges Deletes permissions in all ranges for which the specified user or group of users has permission to modify. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method DeleteAllInkAnnotations Deletes all handwritten ink annotations in a document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method DetectLanguage Analyzes the specified text to determine the language that it is written in. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method DisableDraftModeAllCharts Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method DowngradeDocument Downgrades a document to the Word 97-2003 document format so that it can be edited in a previous version of Microsoft Office Word. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Dummy1 Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Dummy2 Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Dummy3 Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Dummy4 Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method EditionOptions This member is for Macintosh only and should not be used. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method EnableDraftModeAllCharts Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method EndReview Terminates a review of a file that has been sent for review using the SendForReview method or that has been automatically placed in a review cycle by sending a document to another user in an e-mail message. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ExportAsFixedFormat Saves a document as PDF or XPS format. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method FitToPages Decreases the font size of text just enough so that the document will fit on one fewer pages. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method FollowHyperlink Displays a cached document if it's already been downloaded. Otherwise, this method resolves the hyperlink, downloads the target document, and displays the document in the appropriate application. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ForwardMailer This member is for Macintosh only and should not be used. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method FreezeLayout In Web view, fixes the layout of the document as it currently appears so that line breaks remain fixed and ink annotations do not move when you resize the window. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method GetCrossReferenceItems Returns an array of items that can be cross-referenced based on the specified cross-reference type. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method GetLetterContent Retrieves letter elements from the specified document and returns a LetterContent object. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method GetWorkflowTasks Returns the workflow tasks assigned to a document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method GetWorkflowTemplates Returns the workflow templates attached to a document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method GoTo Returns a Range object that represents the start position of the specified item. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method LockServerFile Locks the file on the server preventing anyone else from editing it. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method MakeCompatibilityDefault Sets the compatibility options on the Compatibility tab in the Options dialog box (Tools menu) as the default settings for new documents. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ManualHyphenation Initiates manual hyphenation of a document, one line at a time. The user is prompted to accept or decline suggested hyphenations. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Merge Merges the changes marked with revision marks from one document to another. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Merge2000 Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Post Posts the specified document to a public folder in Microsoft Exchange. This method displays the Send to Exchange Folder dialog box so that a folder can be selected. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method PresentIt Opens PowerPoint with the specified Word document loaded. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method PrintOut Prints all or part of the specified document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method PrintOut2000 Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method PrintOutOld Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method PrintPreview Switches the view to print preview. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Protect Helps to protect the specified document from changes. When a document is protected, users can make only limited changes, such as adding annotations, making revisions, or completing a form. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Protect2002 Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Range Returns a Range object by using the specified starting and ending character positions. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method RecheckSmartTags Removes smart tags recognized by the grammar checker and rechecks the document content against all smart tag recognizers. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Redo Redoes the last action that was undone (reverses the Undo method). Returns True if the actions were redone successfully. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method RejectAllRevisions Rejects all tracked changes in the specified document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method RejectAllRevisionsShown Rejects all revisions in a document that are displayed on the screen. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Reload Reloads a cached document by resolving the hyperlink to the document and downloading it. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ReloadAs Reloads a document based on an HTML document, using the specified document encoding. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method remove_BuildingBlockInsert (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method remove_Close (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method remove_ContentControlAfterAdd (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method remove_ContentControlBeforeContentUpdate (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method remove_ContentControlBeforeDelete (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method remove_ContentControlBeforeStoreUpdate (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method remove_ContentControlOnEnter (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method remove_ContentControlOnExit (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method remove_New (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method remove_Open (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method remove_Sync (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method remove_XMLAfterInsert (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method remove_XMLBeforeDelete (Inherited from DocumentEvents2_Event.)
Public method RemoveDocumentInformation Removes sensitive information, properties, comments, and other metadata from a document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method RemoveDocumentWorkspaceHeader Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method RemoveLockedStyles Purges a document of locked styles when formatting restrictions have been applied in a document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method RemoveNumbers Removes numbers or bullets from the specified object. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method RemoveSmartTags Removes all smart tag information from a document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method RemoveTheme Removes the active theme from the current document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Repaginate Repaginates the entire document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Reply Opens a new e-mail message— with the sender's address on the To: line— for replying to the active message. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ReplyAll Opens a new e-mail message— with the sender’s and all other recipients' addresses on the To: and Cc: lines, as appropriate— for replying to the active message. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ReplyWithChanges Sends an e-mail message to the author of a document that has been sent out for review, notifying them that a reviewer has completed review of the document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ResetFormFields Clears all form fields in a document, preparing the form to be filled in again. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Route Routes the specified document, using the document's current routing slip. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method RunAutoMacro Runs an auto macro that's stored in the specified document. If the specified auto macro doesn't exist, nothing happens. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method RunLetterWizard Runs the Letter Wizard on the specified document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Save Saves the specified document. If the document hasn't been saved before, the Save As dialog box prompts the user for a file name. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SaveAs Saves the specified document with a new name or format. Some of the arguments for this method correspond to the options in the Save Asdialog box (File menu). (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SaveAs2 Saves the specified document with a new name or format. Some of the arguments for this method correspond to the options in the Save As dialog box (File tab). (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SaveAs2000 Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SaveAsQuickStyleSet Saves the group of quick styles currently in use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method sblt Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Select Selects the specified object. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SelectAllEditableRanges Selects all ranges for which the specified user or group of users has permission to modify. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SelectContentControlsByTag Returns a ContentControls collection that represents all the content controls in a document with the tag value specified in the Tag parameter. Read-only. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SelectContentControlsByTitle Returns a ContentControls collection that represents all the content controls in a document with the title specified in the Title parameter. Read-only. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SelectLinkedControls Returns a ContentControls collection that represents all content controls in a document that are linked to the specific custom XML node in the document's XML data store as specified by the Node parameter. Read-only. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SelectNodes Returns an XMLNodes collection that represents all the specified nodes in the order in which they appear in the document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SelectSingleNode Returns an XMLNode object that represents a node in the specified document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SelectUnlinkedControls Returns all of the content controls in a document that are not linked to an XML node in the document's XML data store. Read-only. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SendFax Sends the specified document as a fax, without any user interaction. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SendFaxOverInternet Sends a document to a fax service provider, who faxes the document to one or more specified recipients. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SendForReview Sends a document in an e-mail message for review by the specified recipients. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SendMail Opens a message window for sending the specified document through Microsoft Exchange. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SendMailer This member is for Macintosh only and should not be used. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SetCompatibilityMode Sets the compatibility mode for the document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SetDefaultTableStyle Specifies the table style to use for newly created tables in a document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SetLetterContent Inserts the contents of the specified LetterContent object into a document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method SetPasswordEncryptionOptions Sets the options Microsoft Word uses for encrypting documents with passwords. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ToggleFormsDesign Toggles form design mode on or off. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method TransformDocument Applies the specified Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) file to the specified document and replaces the document with the results. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Undo Undoes the last action or a sequence of actions, which are displayed in the Undo list. Returns True if the actions were successfully undone. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method UndoClear Clears the list of actions that can be undone for the specified document. Corresponds to the list of items that appears when you click the arrow beside the Undo button on the Standard toolbar. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method UnfreezeLayout Reverses the effect of UnfreezeLayout(), and enables line breaks to change and ink annotations to move when you resize the Web browser window. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method Unprotect Removes protection from the specified document. If the document isn't protected, this method generates an error. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method UpdateStyles Copies all styles from the attached template into the document, overwriting any existing styles in the document that have the same name. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method UpdateSummaryProperties Updates the keyword and comment text in the Properties dialog box (File menu) to reflect the AutoSummary content for the specified document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ViewCode Displays the code window for the selected ActiveX control in the specified document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method ViewPropertyBrowser Displays the property window for the selected ActiveX control in the specified document. (Inherited from _Document.)
Public method WebPagePreview Displays a preview of the current document as it would look if saved as a Web page. (Inherited from _Document.)


See Also


Document Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace