Borders MembersĀ 

A collection of Border objects that represent the borders of an object.

The following tables list the members exposed by the Borders type.

Public Properties

  Name Description
AlwaysInFront Returns or sets a value that indicates if page borders are displayed in front of the document text.
Application Returns an Application object that represents the Microsoft Word application.
Count Returns the number of items in the specified collection.
Creator Returns a value that indicates the application in which the specified object was created.
DistanceFrom Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the specified page border is measured from the edge of the page or from the text it surrounds.
DistanceFromBottom Returns or sets the space (in points) between the text and the bottom border.
DistanceFromLeft Returns or sets the space (in points) between the text and the left border.
DistanceFromRight Returns or sets the space (in points) between the right edge of the text and the right border.
DistanceFromTop Returns or sets the space (in points) between the text and the top border.
Enable Returns or sets the border formatting for the specified object.
EnableFirstPageInSection Returns or sets a value that indicates if page borders are enabled for the first page in the section.
EnableOtherPagesInSection Returns or sets a value that indicates if page borders are enabled for all pages in the section except for the first page.
HasHorizontal Returns a value that indicates if a horizontal border can be applied to the object.
HasVertical Returns a value that indicates if a vertical border can be applied to the specified object.
InsideColor Returns or sets a value that indicates the 24-bit color of the inside borders.
InsideColorIndex Returns or sets the color of the inside borders.
InsideLineStyle Returns or sets the inside border for the specified object.
InsideLineWidth Returns or sets the line width of the inside border of an object.
Item Returns a value that indicates if vertical borders at the edges of paragraphs and tables are removed so that the horizontal borders can connect to the page border.
JoinBorders Returns or sets a value that indicates if vertical borders at the edges of paragraphs and tables are removed so that the horizontal borders can connect to the page border.
OutsideColor Returns or sets the 24-bit color of the outside borders.
OutsideColorIndex Returns or sets the color of the outside borders.
OutsideLineStyle Returns or sets the outside border for the specified object.
OutsideLineWidth Returns or sets the line width of the outside border of an object.
Parent Returns the parent object of the specified object.
Shadow Returns or sets a value that indicates if the specified border is formatted as shadowed.
SurroundFooter Returns or sets a value that indicates if a page border encompasses the document footer.
SurroundHeader Returns or sets a value that indicates if a page border encompasses the document header.


Public Methods

  Name Description
ApplyPageBordersToAllSections Applies the specified page-border formatting to all sections in a document.
GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator to support iterating through the collection.


See Also


Borders Interface
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace