FileDialogFilters Interface


A collection of FileDialogFilter objects that represent the types of files that can be selected in a file dialog box that is displayed using the FileDialog object.

public interface class FileDialogFilters : Microsoft::Office::Core::_IMsoDispObj, System::Collections::IEnumerable
public interface FileDialogFilters : Microsoft.Office.Core._IMsoDispObj, System.Collections.IEnumerable
type FileDialogFilters = interface
    interface _IMsoDispObj
    interface IEnumerable
Public Interface FileDialogFilters
Implements _IMsoDispObj, IEnumerable


Use the Filters property of the FileDialog object to return a FileDialogFilters collection.

Use the Add(String, String, Object) method to add FileDialogFilter objects to the FileDialogFilters collection.

When changing the FileDialogFilters collection, remember that each application can only instantiate a single FileDialog object. This means that the FileDialogFilters collection will reset to its default filters whenever you call the FileDialog method with a new dialog box type.

Note   A run-time error will occur if the Filters property is used in conjunction with the Clear(), Add, or Delete(Object) methods when applied to a Save As FileDialog object.



Returns an Application object that represents the container application for the object.


Returns an Integer indicating the number of items in the specified collection.


Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the specified object was created.


Returns the Parent object for the specified object.


Add(String, String, Object)

Adds a new file filter to the list of filters in the Files of type list box in the File dialog box, and returns a FileDialogFilter object that represents the newly added file filter.


Removes all list items from a command bar combo box control (drop-down list box or combo box) and clears the text box (edit box or combo box).


Removes a file dialog filter.


Returns a FileDialogFilter object that is a member of the specified FileDialogFilters collection.

Applies to