ExportViewFormat Enum


Specifies the type of export view format. Export views are available in a known set of standard formats.

public enum class ExportViewFormat
[System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContract(Name="ExportViewFormat", Namespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/masterdataservices/2009/09")]
public enum ExportViewFormat
[<System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContract(Name="ExportViewFormat", Namespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/masterdataservices/2009/09")>]
type ExportViewFormat = 
Public Enum ExportViewFormat


CollectionAttributes 3

A view that contains collection members and their attributes

CollectionHistory 11

A view that contains Collection Members historical data.

Collections 4

A view that contains the contents of collections (relationships).

CollectionType2 14

A view that contains Collection Members type2 data.

ConsolidatedAttributes 2

A view that contains consolidated members and their attributes.

ConsolidatedHistory 10

A view that contains Consolidated Members historical data.

ConsolidatedType2 13

A view that contains Consolidated Members type2 data.

DerivedLevels 8

A view that contains DerivedHierarchy relationships for a selected hierarchy in level-based format.

DerivedParentChild 7

A view that contains DerivedHierarchy relationships for a selected hierarchy in parent-child format.

ExplicitLevels 6

A view that contains ExplicitHierarchy relationships for an entity in level-based format.

ExplicitParentChild 5

A view that contains ExplicitHierarchy relationships for an entity in parent-child format.

LeafAttributes 1

A view that contains leaf Members and their Attributes.

LeafHistory 9

A view that contains leaf Members historical data.

LeafType2 12

A view that contains leaf Members type2 data.

NotSpecified 0

Not specified.


The ExportViewFormat simple type specifies the type of export view format. Export views are available in a known set of standard formats.

Applies to