MapPolygon Fields

Public Fields

(see also Protected Fields)

  Name Description
public fieldstatic ActualHeightProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic ActualWidthProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic BackgroundProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic BorderBrushProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic BorderThicknessProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic CacheModeProperty  (inherited from UIElement)
public fieldstatic ClipProperty  (inherited from UIElement)
public fieldstatic DataContextProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic EffectProperty  (inherited from UIElement)
public fieldstatic FontFamilyProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic FontSizeProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic FontStretchProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic FontStyleProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic FontWeightProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic ForegroundProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic HeightProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic HorizontalAlignmentProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic IsEnabledProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic IsHitTestVisibleProperty  (inherited from UIElement)
public fieldstatic IsTabStopProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic KeyDownEvent  (inherited from UIElement)
public fieldstatic KeyUpEvent  (inherited from UIElement)
public fieldstatic LanguageProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic LoadedEvent  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic MarginProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic MaxHeightProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic MaxWidthProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic MinHeightProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic MinWidthProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic MouseLeftButtonDownEvent  (inherited from UIElement)
public fieldstatic MouseLeftButtonUpEvent  (inherited from UIElement)
public fieldstatic NameProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic OpacityMaskProperty  (inherited from UIElement)
public fieldstatic OpacityProperty  (inherited from UIElement)
public fieldstatic PaddingProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic ProjectionProperty  (inherited from UIElement)
public fieldstatic RenderTransformOriginProperty  (inherited from UIElement)
public fieldstatic RenderTransformProperty  (inherited from UIElement)
public fieldstatic StyleProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic TabIndexProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic TabNavigationProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic TagProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic TemplateProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic UseLayoutRoundingProperty  (inherited from UIElement)
public fieldstatic VerticalAlignmentProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public fieldstatic VerticalContentAlignmentProperty  (inherited from Control)
public fieldstatic VisibilityProperty  (inherited from UIElement)
public fieldstatic WidthProperty  (inherited from FrameworkElement)

Protected Fields

  Name Description
protected fieldstatic ContentProperty  (inherited from UserControl)
protected fieldstatic DefaultStyleKeyProperty  (inherited from Control)

See Also


MapPolygon Class
Microsoft.Maps.MapControl Namespace

Other Resources

Adding Shapes to the Map