Conversation methods

The Conversation type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddParticipant(Contact) Adds a contact to a conversation and returns the contact as a participant.
Public method AddParticipant(ContactEndpoint) Adds one of a contact's endpoints to a conversation and returns the contact as a participant.
Public method BeginAdmitParticipants Used to admit a set of participants into conference.
Public method BeginDenyParticipants Used to Deny a set of participants access into a conference.
Public method BeginMerge Merges another conversation into this one.modalityTypes specifies what modalities to be merged in.
Public method BeginMuteParticipants Used to mute a set of participants in a conference.
Public method BeginPark Parks voice at the Call Park Server and terminates all other modalities.
Public method BeginSendContextData This is used to send application context type and data to the conversation. The application Id has to be registered on the caller side. The context data will be sent in raw foramts
Public method BeginSendInitialContext Sends an application hyperlink and application Id as initial conversation context.
Public method BeginSetProperty Sets a property associated with this conversation. This is an asynchronous operation, hence the conversationCallback, if specified, will be called back.
Public method BeginUnmuteParticipants Used to unmute a set of participants in a conference.
Public method CanInvoke Returns a flag indicating whether a specific action is available.
Public method CanSetProperty Test whether the property can be set to the conversation.
Public method CreateObjRef (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public method End Terminates the conversation for all participants.
Public method EndAdmitParticipants Used to admit a set of participants into conference.
Public method EndDenyParticipants Used to Deny a set of participants access into a conference.
Public method EndMerge Merges another conversation into this one.modalityTypes specifies what modalities to be merged in.
Public method EndMuteParticipants Used to mute a set of participants in a conference.
Public method EndPark Parks voice at the Call Park Server and terminates all other modalities.
Public method EndSendContextData This is used to send application context type and data to the conversation. The application Id has to be registered on the caller side. The context data will be sent in raw foramts
Public method EndSendInitialContext This is used to send application context to the conversation. ContextTypes and contextDatas are mapped together, So they must have the same length.If the contextTypes include application GUID, the caller must have been registered using the same GUID.
Public method EndSetProperty Sets a property associated with this conversation. This is an asynchronous operation, hence the conversationCallback, if specified, will be called back.
Public method EndUnmuteParticipants Used to unmute a set of participants in a conference.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Overrides UCWFullFinalize().)
Public method GetApplicationData Gets the contextual conversation application data using the given GUID. Only the registered application with the same GUID may call this.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetLifetimeService (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method InitializeLifetimeService (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone() (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone(Boolean) (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public method RemoveParticipant Removes a participant from the collection.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See also


Conversation class

Microsoft.Lync.Model.Conversation namespace