ContactInformationType enumeration

Enumerates the contact information types.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Lync.Model
Assembly:  Microsoft.Lync.Model (in Microsoft.Lync.Model.dll)


Public Enumeration ContactInformationType
Dim instance As ContactInformationType
public enum ContactInformationType


Member name Description
Availability Contact availability. AvailabilityType enum.
ActivityId A token describing current contact availability. String.
LocationName A contact's location. String.
TimeZone Time zone. String.
TimeZoneBias The time zone bias is the difference, in minutes, between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and the end user’s current local time. All translations between UTC and local time are based on the following formula: UTC = local time + bias.

The time zone bias is the difference, in minutes, between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and the end user’s current local time. All translations between UTC and local time are based on the following formula: UTC = local time + bias.

MeetingSubject Meeting subject. String.
MeetingLocation Meeting location. String.
Activity A contact's current Activity(on the phone, in the meeting, available, ...).
CustomActivity A collection of availability descriptions. Array of activity strings.
IdleStartTime Time when a contact became idle. DateTime.
DisplayName Display name of a contact. String.
PrimaryEmailAddress The SMTP e-mail address. String.
EmailAddresses An unordered collection of contact's addresses. Array of strings.
Title The contact's title. String.
Company The contact's company. String.
Department The contact's department. String.
Office The contact's office location. String.
HomePageUrl The contact's homepage Url
Photo A contact's photo. Stream object.
DefaultNote The default note, shown if no other note is set. String.
DefaultNoteType Default note type (i.e. personal or out-of-office). DefaultNoteType enum.
PersonalNote A personal note. String.
OutOfficeNote An out-of-office note. String.
SourceNetwork The contact source network. SourceNetworkType enum.
IconUrl URL of the icon associated with a contact from a federated public network. String.
IconStream The icon associated with a contact from a federated public network. Stream object.
ContactEndpoints Collection of contact's collaboration endpoints (SIP or TEL endpoints). An array of ContactEndpoint objects.
NextCalendarStateStartTime Start time of the next calendar state. DateTime object.
CapabilityString Current contact capability. ('Voice Only', 'IM Only', ...). String.
Capabilities Combination of contact capabilities. ContactCapabilities enum.
ContactType Contact's type. ContactType enum.
Description Contact's description. String.
FirstName Contact's first name. String.
LastName Contact's last name. String.
CapabilityDetails Returns a collection of PresenceCapability objects.
DefaultNotePublishedTime The published time for default note
CurrentCalendarState Contact's current calendar state (Free, Busy, Out of office,...). ContactCalendarState enum
NextCalendarState Contact's next calendar state (Free, Busy, Out of office,...). ContactCalendarState enum
AttributionString Contact's attribution string
InstantMessageAddresses A collection of contact's Instant Messaging addresses. Array of strings.
IsOutOfOffice returns none zero if the contact is out of office.

See also


Microsoft.Lync.Model namespace