MediaItem Properties

Public Properties

  Name Description
public property ActualOutputFileFullPath
Gets the full path of the output file name.
public property ActualOutputFileName
Gets the file name of the output file.
public property AudioGainLevel
Gets or sets the audio gain level.
public property AudioOverlayDuration
Gets the duration of the audio overlay.
public property AudioOverlayEndTime
Gets or sets the time that the audio overlay should end.
public property AudioOverlayFadeInDuration
Gets or sets a value that indicates how long the overlay takes to fade in.
public property AudioOverlayFadeOutDuration
Gets or sets a value that indicates how long the overlay takes to fade out.
public property AudioOverlayFileName
Gets or sets the file to be used as the audio overlay.
public property AudioOverlayGainLevel
Gets or sets the gain level of the audio overlay.
public property AudioOverlayLayoutMode
Gets or sets a value that indicates in which part of the output the audio overlay should appear.
public property AudioOverlayLoop
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the audio overlay should loop.
public property AudioOverlayLoopingGap
Gets or sets the duration before the audio overlay loops.
public property AudioOverlayStartTime
Gets or sets the start time of the audio overlay.
public property CropRect
Gets or sets the crop rectangle.
public property DeinterlaceMode
Gets or sets the deinterlace mode.
public property DisplayVideoSize
Gets the display video size. This is the size that could be used to display output video using square pixels.
public property Drm
Gets or sets the DRM settings, if applicable.
public property Error
Gets any errors that could have occurred during the encoding of the item.
public property EstimatedFileSize
Gets the estimated file size in bytes. If a quality-based profile has been specified, -1 will be returned.
public property FileDuration
Gets the duration of the file.
public property FileType
Gets a value indicating whether the item is going to encode video, audio, or both. This is controlled by whether the output format contains a video profile and/or an audio profile.
public property MainMediaFile
Gets the source that created this object.
public property Markers
Gets the list of markers to be added to the output file.
public property MarkerThumbnailCodec
Gets or sets the format to be used to save the marker thumbnails.
public property MarkerThumbnailJpegCompression
Gets or sets a value to be used for the JPEG compression if the marker thumbnail is saved as a JPEG.
public property MarkerThumbnailSize
Gets or sets the size to be used for marker thumbnails.
public property MaxBitrate
Gets the maximum bitrate of the video and audio stream.
public property MaxPacketSize
Gets or sets the maximum size of a packet in bytes.
public property Metadata
Gets the list of metadata.
public property MinPacketSize
Gets or sets the minimum size of a packet in bytes.
public property Name
Gets the file name of the item, without the extension.
public property NormalizeAudio
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the audio should be normalized during encoding.
public property OriginalAspectRatio
Gets the aspect ratio of the original file.
public property OriginalFileType
Gets the type of the original file.
public property OriginalFrameRate
Gets the frame rate of the original file.
public property OriginalInterlaced
Gets a value indicating whether the original file is interlaced.
public property OriginalOverlaySize
Gets the original size of the overlay file.
public property OriginalVideoSize
Gets the frame size of the original file.
public property OutputAspectRatio
Gets the output aspect ratio.
public property OutputFileEstimatedSize
Gets an estimated size of the output file in bytes.
public property OutputFileName
Gets or sets the output file name. This can include replaceable fields, for example, {Original file name}.{Default extension}.
public property OutputFiles
Gets the output file collection.
public property OutputFormat
Gets or sets the format of the output.
public property OutputFrameRate
Gets the frame rate used to encode the output file.
public property OverlayAudioGainLevel
Gets or sets the audio volume of the video overlay.
public property OverlayContainsAudio
Gets a value indicating whether the video overlay contains audio.
public property OverlayEndTime
Gets or sets the time that the overlay should end.
public property OverlayFadeInDuration
Gets or sets a value that indicates how long the overlay takes to fade in.
public property OverlayFadeOutDuration
Gets or sets a value that indicates how long the overlay takes to fade out.
public property OverlayFileName
Gets or sets the file that should be used as the overlay.
public property OverlayLayoutMode
Gets or sets a value that indicates in which part of the output the overlay should appear.
public property OverlayLoop
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the overlay should loop.
public property OverlayLoopingGap
Gets or sets the duration of the time that passes before the overlay loops.
public property OverlayOpacity
Gets or sets the opacity of the overlay between 0 (transparent) and 1 (completely opaque).
public property OverlayRect
Gets or sets the position of the overlay.
public property OverlayStartTime
Gets or sets the start time of the overlay.
public property OverlayTransparentBackground
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the background of the overlay should be transparent.
public property OverlayVideoDuration
Gets the duration of the overlay if it is a video or animated GIF.
public property PlaybackDuration
Gets the playback duration.
public property ResizeQuality
Gets or sets the algorithm that is used to resize the video.
public property ScriptCommandOutput
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the script commands should be written to the header or to the stream.
public property ScriptCommands
Gets the list of script commands.
public property SourceAudioProfile
Gets the audio profile that matches the source file, if found.
public property SourceFileName
Gets the full path of the source file.
public property Sources
Gets the list of source clips.
public property SourceVideoProfile
Gets the video profile that matches the source file, if found.
public property SrsAudio
Gets or sets a value indicating whether SRS Audio 5.1 audio resampling will be used.
public property Status
Gets the item's status.
public property ThumbnailCodec
Gets or sets the format to be used to save the thumbnail.
public property ThumbnailEmbed
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail should be embedded in the output file if the output container is ASF. This property is ignored if the output container is any other format.
public property ThumbnailJpegCompression
Gets or sets a value to be used for the JPEG compression if the thumbnail is saved as a JPEG.
public property ThumbnailMode
Gets or sets a value that indicates which mode should be used to determine the thumbnail.
public property ThumbnailSize
Gets or sets the size to be used for the thumbnail.
public property ThumbnailTime
Gets or sets the time within the source file to be used for the thumbnail if the thumbnail mode is set to custom.
public property TotalBitrate
Gets the total bitrate of the video and audio streams. If a quality-based profile has been specified, -1 will be returned.
public property VideoResizeMode
Gets or sets the video resize mode.
public property VideoSize
Gets the size of the video to be created.
public property WindowsMediaProfileLanguage
Gets or sets the language of the Windows Media profile for ASF files.

See Also


MediaItem Class
Microsoft.Expression.Encoder Namespace

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