CompositeContentShape Properties

Public Properties

(see also Protected Properties)

  Name Description
public property ActualHeight  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property ActualWidth  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property AllowDrop  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property AreAnyTouchesCaptured  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithin  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOver  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property AreAnyTouchesOver  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property Background  (Inherited from Control)
public property BindingGroup  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property BitmapEffect  Obsolete.  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property BitmapEffectInput  Obsolete.  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property BorderBrush  (Inherited from Control)
public property BorderThickness  (Inherited from Control)
public property CacheMode  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property Clip  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property ClipToBounds  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property CommandBindings  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property Content  (Inherited from ContentControl)
public property ContentStringFormat  (Inherited from ContentControl)
public property ContentTemplate  (Inherited from ContentControl)
public property ContentTemplateSelector  (Inherited from ContentControl)
public property ContextMenu  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property Cursor  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property DataContext  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property DependencyObjectType  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public property DesiredSize  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property Dispatcher  (Inherited from DispatcherObject)
public property Effect  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property Fill
Gets or sets the Brush that specifies how to paint the interior of the shape.
public property FlowDirection  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property Focusable  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property FocusVisualStyle  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property FontFamily  (Inherited from Control)
public property FontSize  (Inherited from Control)
public property FontStretch  (Inherited from Control)
public property FontStyle  (Inherited from Control)
public property FontWeight  (Inherited from Control)
public property ForceCursor  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property Foreground  (Inherited from Control)
public property GeometryMargin
Gets the margin between the logical bounds and the actual geometry bounds. This can be either positive (as in Arc) or negative (as in Callout).
public property HasAnimatedProperties  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property HasContent  (Inherited from ContentControl)
public property Height  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property HorizontalAlignment  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property HorizontalContentAlignment  (Inherited from Control)
public property InputBindings  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property InputScope  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property InternalContent
Gets or sets the internal content that converts a string into a center-aligned, multiple-line TextBlock.
public property IsArrangeValid  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsEnabled  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsFocused  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsHitTestVisible  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsInitialized  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property IsInputMethodEnabled  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsKeyboardFocused  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsKeyboardFocusWithin  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsLoaded  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property IsManipulationEnabled  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsMeasureValid  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsMouseCaptured  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsMouseCaptureWithin  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsMouseDirectlyOver  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsMouseOver  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsSealed  (Inherited from DependencyObject)
public property IsStylusCaptured  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsStylusCaptureWithin  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsStylusDirectlyOver  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsStylusOver  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property IsTabStop  (Inherited from Control)
public property IsVisible  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property Language  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property LayoutTransform  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property Margin  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property MaxHeight  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property MaxWidth  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property MinHeight  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property MinWidth  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property Name  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property Opacity  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property OpacityMask  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property OverridesDefaultStyle  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property Padding  (Inherited from Control)
public property Parent  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property PersistId  Obsolete.  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property RenderedGeometry
Gets the rendered geometry presented by the rendering engine.
public property RenderSize  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property RenderTransform  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property RenderTransformOrigin  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property Resources  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property SnapsToDevicePixels  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property Stretch
Gets or sets a Stretch enumeration value that describes how the shape fills its allocated space.
public property Stroke
Gets or sets the Brush that specifies how the Shape outline is painted.
public property StrokeDashArray
Gets or sets a collection of Double values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps that is used to outline shapes.
public property StrokeDashCap
Gets or sets a PenLineCap enumeration value that specifies how the ends of a dash are drawn.
public property StrokeDashOffset
Gets or sets a Double that specifies the distance within the dash pattern where a dash begins.
public property StrokeEndLineCap
Gets or sets a PenLineCap enumeration value that describes the Shape at the end of a line.
public property StrokeLineJoin
Gets or sets a PenLineJoin enumeration value that specifies the type of join that is used at the vertices of a Shape.
public property StrokeMiterLimit
Gets or sets a limit on the ratio of the miter length to half the StrokeThickness of a Shape element.
public property StrokeStartLineCap
Gets or sets a PenLineCap enumeration value that describes the Shape at the start of a Stroke.
public property StrokeThickness
Gets or sets the width of the Shape stroke outline.
public property Style  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property TabIndex  (Inherited from Control)
public property Tag  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property Template  (Inherited from Control)
public property TemplatedParent  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property ToolTip  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property TouchesCaptured  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property TouchesCapturedWithin  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property TouchesDirectlyOver  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property TouchesOver  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property Triggers  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property Uid  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property UseLayoutRounding  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property VerticalAlignment  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property VerticalContentAlignment  (Inherited from Control)
public property Visibility  (Inherited from UIElement)
public property Width  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)

Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property DefaultStyleKey  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
protected property HandlesScrolling  (Inherited from Control)
protected property InheritanceBehavior  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
protected property IsEnabledCore  (Inherited from UIElement)
protected property LogicalChildren  (Inherited from ContentControl)
protected property StylusPlugIns  (Inherited from UIElement)
protected property VisualBitmapEffect  Obsolete.  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualBitmapEffectInput  Obsolete.  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualBitmapScalingMode  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualCacheMode  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualChildrenCount  (Inherited from FrameworkElement)
protected property VisualClearTypeHint  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualClip  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualEdgeMode  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualEffect  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualOffset  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualOpacity  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualOpacityMask  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualParent  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualScrollableAreaClip  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualTextHintingMode  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualTextRenderingMode  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualTransform  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualXSnappingGuidelines  (Inherited from Visual)
protected property VisualYSnappingGuidelines  (Inherited from Visual)

See Also


CompositeContentShape Class
Microsoft.Expression.Controls Namespace